Who’s on Your Nutrition Team?

Diet and exercise

A while back an article discussing whether or not you can combat your bad eating habits with exercise caught my attention. As you might suspect, the one word answer is “no.” Actually, the foods you put into your body impact not just your overall health but also the effectiveness of your exercise habits. You cannot CrossFit your way out of a “golden arches” eating habit.

Of course, if you don’t have good eating habits but regularly attend fitness classes, you may be in better shape than you’d be if you had an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. However, you’d still be doing your body (and health) a huge disservice. You deserve better than that. Wouldn’t you agree?

Isn’t it interesting that we often keep lifestyle improvements like exercise and diet in their own separate categories? Not only would intermingling them lead to better results in both areas, but we’d also arrive at those results much quicker. And seeing results often helps us stay devoted to the initial cause. Sounds like a better resolution to me!

But making big changes can be so overwhelming that you don’t know where to begin. Well, I came across another article that could solve this issue for a great many. As the Washington Post reports, some fitness clubs have started to offer a holistic approach to health by focusing on exercise and nutrition. Nice!

Muscular manSo if your goals for the year involve both physical fitness and better eating habits, it may not be a bad idea to shop around at your local fitness clubs. You might just find a one-stop shopping opportunity where you can learn about the nutrients your body needs to complete and fully support the workout plan you’ve committed to.

The clubs mentioned by the Washington Post aren’t just offering generic workshops about celiac disease or CoQ10. Instead, many of them feature personalized meal plans for their members. Heck, one gym will even send someone to your home to clear your pantry and refrigerator of all junk food and then take you shopping to restock with healthier options. Sounds pretty extravagant, eh?! But, depending on your personal situation, it just might be worth it.

If you can’t find such comprehensive services in your area—or you’re just not interested in spending money on the elaborate options listed above— have no fear…self-health education to the rescue!

You can find valuable players for your nutrition team at SRP. Learn about everything from healthy eating on a budget to healing your immune system at Maria Atwood’s “Tips from the Traditional Cook” blog. Or browse through Phyllis Quinn’s “Ask Chef Phyllis” blog for a wonderful combination of tasty healthful recipes and great storytelling. And next time you go to the grocery store, take your copy of SRP’s shopping guide, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! The updated, revised version is coming out soon in both print and ebook editions.

Finally, visit Standard Process and use your ZIP code to find a local health care practitioner in your area who is trained in the clinical application of SP whole food supplements. These are formulated to promote optimal health using only the highest quality ingredients.

We’d love to hear who’s on your nutrition team!

Photos from iStock/warrengoldswain (at top) and halfbottle (inset)

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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