What’s Lurking in Your Beer?

What’s in your beer besides beer? Take a look at this list from the Food Babe before you lift your glass. She includes high fructose corn syrup, propylene glycol, GMO sugars, artificial colorings, and other nasty stuff in a list you will find useful if you drink beer.

Who would’ve thought there’d be ingredients in beer besides, well, beer, which is water, malted grain, yeast, and hops. But, of course, in this day and age of factory food, beverages aren’t spared the woes of commercial production.

You can avoid additives in your alcoholic beverages by making your own. Check out The Art of Fermentation, which will help you get started with making beer, wine, mead, or cider.

Photo from iStock/CARVALHO_BRASIL

Samantha Prust

Samantha Prust is a freelance writer, editor, and owner of Your Editor On Call in Fort Collins, Colorado. She can be contacted at YourEditorOnCall@gmail.com.

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