We’ll See You at Back to School!

It’s rare in this day and age to find people in the world of health and nutrition with as much experience and knowledge as Mark Anderson. For 44 years, Mr. Anderson has been educating health practitioners about the teachings of Dr. Royal Lee, the brilliant nutritional leader whose works have withstood the test of time.

This weekend Selene River Press will be hosting Mr. Anderson’s 23rd annual “Back to School for Doctors” in Denver, Colorado. Always in great demand, these lectures will quickly fill up with eager students of whole-food nutrition. Join us and learn how you, as a health practitioner, can better serve your clients with a deeper knowledge of the principles of holistic nutrition and how they apply in today’s world.

This year’s theme is “The Art and Science of Designing the Nutritional Protocol Continued: The Six Core Principles of Trophotherapy,” comprehensively known as the Lee Philosophy of Trophotherapy. Participants will learn how to apply these core principles of nutrition on everything from the nervous system to the endocrines; the respiratory system to cardiovascular health; the musculoskeletal system to the lymphatic system; digestion to immunity; and mental health to brain function.

It’s not too late to join the Selene River Press staff at Back to School for Doctors 2014 this weekend, September 27–28. Hope to see you at the Renaissance Hotel in Denver!

For more detailed information, please visit the SRP Events Calendar.

Photo from iStock/wundervisuals

SRP Admin

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