Watermelon: A Sure Sign of Summer


Nothing makes me more giddy than walking up to the market entrance and seeing shopper after shopper hauling my favorite orb-shaped food to their vehicles. You know the one, all green and stripy on the outside and red and seedy on the inside. Yes, folks, the arrival of watermelon season is just one of Mother Nature’s (and your local farmer’s) gifts, if for no other reason than it’s hot outside. You’re the best, Mother Nature!

Whether it’s all cubed up with various other seasonal fruits or simply set out in solo wedges, this ever-present warm weather treat is typically the first to go at any summer cookout I’ve ever attended. Who can resist the juicy deliciousness of watermelon on a hot summer afternoon? No one, that’s who. Heck, on some of the hottest days of summer, the only thing that sounds good to eat is something cool and light—like watermelon. And since they’re more than 90 percent water, it makes perfect sense that watermelon season stretches over our thirstiest months of the year—May through August.

Did you know that even though eating watermelon can cause a river of sticky liquid to run down your forearm and drip off your elbow, they’re good for so much more? It’s true. Results from a recent study suggest that watermelon juice can help reduce muscle soreness after a workout. Who woulda thunk it? The amino acid L-citrulline, which is abundant in this red beauty, plays a role in determining how much your muscles will ache when you get more physical exertion than you’re used to. Now, this particular study discusses only watermelon juice, but I’d lean toward eating the entire fruit so I wouldn’t have to worry about a big ol’ sugar jolt to my system. After all, if L-citrulline is in the juice, it must be in the whole fruit as well. Right? Right.

The goodness doesn’t stop there though. Watermelon also supplies your body with:

  • Vitamins A, C and B6, which are good for the eyes and the immune system, and also help break down the proteins we eat
  • Lycopene, a phytochemical that’s great for the heart, skin, and prostate
  • Cucurbitacin E, a compound known to reduce inflammation

Watermelon is worthy of our summertime admiration. To make them even easier to enjoy, here’s some simple know-how:

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

Products by Paula Widish

5 thoughts on “Watermelon: A Sure Sign of Summer

  1. Sam says:

    I always grow them in our garden, but the yield’s not too hot. Hopefully this year we’ll get more than two! :)

  2. Paula Widish says:

    I hope so too, Sam. I suppose 2 is better than 0 though, eh?! ;) Have you tried different varieties to see if it makes any difference?

  3. Sam says:

    True that, Paula! :) I’ll have to try some other varieties. I have one plant in the garden that is looking bigger than others in the past, so maybe we’ll get more this year.

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