Top 5 Self-Health Adventures of 2016

Remember when you were younger and “old” people were always talking about how quickly time goes by? You didn’t believe them, right? Neither did I—but I’m there now. I’m always flabbergasted when we get to another one of our boys’ birthdays or the last few days of any given year. Yet here we are at the end of 2016.

I never could have imagined the challenges that would come my way this year—forcing me to evaluate and grow in some truly powerful ways. Writing my weekly Adventures of a Self-Healther blog for SRP offered not only solace but also an excuse to get lost in a subject that tickled my curiosity bone. (That’s a thing, right?)

As a method of reflection, I share with you my top five self-health adventures of 2016.

#5. “Tips for Simplifying Your Morning Routine

Sometimes we all need a reminder about even the simplest of things, and that’s what writing this post did for me. Sticking with a morning routine for my family keeps the week running smoothly. The tip that has the biggest impact in our house is the first one on the list. Be sure to check it out.

#4. “The Health Power of Friendship

What I love most about this post is where the idea came from. A longtime friend paid us a visit on one of my writing days. When I mentioned needing a topic, he immediately suggested delving into the importance of friendship. This confidant of ours has one of the toughest jobs out there—he’s been a prison guard for almost twenty years. Showing your tender side isn’t recommended in these venues.

As I dug into this topic, I was reminded that friendships play an essential role in our well-being. These relationships get us through the tough times in life, give us a sense of connection through common interests, and even help us live longer. Thank you for the suggestion, my friend.

#3. “How to Talk with Your Teen About Junk Food

This topic has reared its ugly head on several occasions over the past year. Since being a nag isn’t one of my strengths, nor is it my kids’ favorite way to learn what they need to know, exploring tactics in getting this point across was loads of fun. Helping them learn to make well-informed choices on their own will take them a long way in life. I’m not daft enough to think they’ll always make the good choices we want them to. However, since they quote facts about the detriments of drinking soda regularly and ask us to pick up healthier snacks they love, we know the information is sinking in.

#2. “Fermenting Veggies with Ease

This post gave my self-health confidence a huge boost. Knowing the benefits of fermented foods, it’s incredibly satisfying to put them on our menu. I love grabbing a jar of these tasty treats that I’ve made myself. Getting out of my own head about the complexity of fermentation and just giving it a try has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for our palates. If you haven’t experimented yet, make it a goal for 2017.

#1. “A World Without Small Family Farms

Oh, how I enjoyed writing this post. I’m one of the lucky ones who get to look back on their childhood with fondness. The lessons I learned through the everyday tasks of growing up on a family farm were invaluable, solidifying my tenacious work ethic and love of the land early on. The vitality of this industry is crucial for the integrity of our food supply as well as the character of our young people. Read this post for some tips on how you can help keep local family farms thriving.

There were so many more self-health adventures that I wanted to include on this list, but a person has to draw the line somewhere. Farewell, 2016. I look forward to a whole new slew of adventures in the coming year. And without any repeats, please. I’ve learned those lessons, thank you.

Photo from iStock/Choreograph

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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