The Galaxy of Health

The dynamic state of our health operates in an ordained biological continuum. This is masterly seen in the vital and essential communication from brain cells to body cells. It is seen in the priority of essential nutrition for power to function, build and repair and is seen with the expression of healthy emotional physiology.

Looking up into the night sky, we wonder at the seemingly infinite number of galaxies in the outer space. But what about the inner space of the human body? Trillions of cells and trillions of microbes living symbiotically with those cells, together with billions of pairs of DNA attached to those chromosomes! And a communication system at work within it all. The human body can be a galaxy of health.

From our conception onward, our nervous system, first in line to be created and formed, has the task of controlling and regulating our development. This comes about by the work of chromosomes. They ensure the proper expression of genes needed for the formation of different nerve cells and nerve connections in our brain and nervous system from which our embryonic growth is regulated. Nerve cells are the longest cells in our body ranging from 1 to 1.5 meters in length and have the task of communicating the environment inside and outside of our body so we are able to survive and thrive.

We must remember that our nerve cells are influenced and affected by our internal and external environment. This is a result of the choices we make such as what we put in our body, how our spinal mobility and physical strengths are maintained, and our mental outlook that is created from positive/healthy thoughts and emotions. These three comprise the triad of health.

When one or all of these three factors are negatively impacted, they have the potential of disrupting our nervous system and the function of all cells and organs. This disruption results in a departure from health and functional wellness, in altered cellular function that produces signs and symptoms of impaired health. And these are not symptoms of a drug deficiency! The eventual outcome is sickness and disease on one hand, and death on the other.

We must see “The Big Picture of Health” as B.J. Palmer, D.C. Ph.C. continuously exclaimed. We will step onto the path of expressing sickness and disease when we lose hold of the ideal functional wellness truths that we were created to embrace and live by. The dynamic state of our health operates in an ordained biological continuum. This is masterly seen in the vital and essential communication from brain cells to body cells. It is seen in the priority of essential nutrition for power to function, build and repair, and is seen in the expression of healthy emotional physiology.

Start today to build and maintain all the trillions of cells in your body. Greater health and wellbeing in your life is waiting to be expressed. Get the Big Picture of the causes of health by studing the work of Dr. Royal Lee. With Chiropractic care and precise nutritional supplementation from Standard Process whole foods along with the clearing and resolution of toxic emotions through Neuro-Emotional care, you will be on your way to express greater health and step onto your ordained path into the future. Look up to your Galaxy of Health!

Images from iStock/Kateryna Kovarzh (main), piotr_malczyk (post). 


Dr. Michael Dority

DR. MICHAEL DORITY, now retired from his 44 years of chiropractic practice in Nebraska, credits his professional success to supporting the patient’s nervous system with whole foods, whole food supplements, and patient education. He has contributed to the health and well-being of many grateful families over the years. You can find Dr. Dority’s patient education posters here at Selene River Press.

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