Tag Archives: whole food supplements

Surprising Things Your Body Can Tell You About Your Heart

Our bodies are amazing. Each part serves a specific purpose, but they also work together to give us signals when something isn’t quite right. Since February is all about the heart, here are some surprising things the rest of your body can tell you about your heart——and what you can do to diminish your risk […]

Stumbling Blocks to Healing: The “Yeah, But” Story

 I was recently going through my closed client files, some of which I’d not looked at for a few years. As I read each file, I suddenly felt nostalgic. It was akin to pulling out old boxes of family photos and simply sitting and pondering over each one of them. Some photos bring us a […]

A Cautionary Tale for the New Self-Healther

A recent conversation with a friend reminded me that my self-health tale has had two very different parts to it. The first chapter, “Flying Solo,” is when I blindly attempted to find resolutions to the conflicts in my story all on my own. The second chapter, “Seeking Help,” came about after I encountered the frustration […]

4 Fallacies of Synthetic Vitamin Consumption

One of my favorite sayings is the famous Mae West quip, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!” I love this quote as it applies to my personal life goals and ambitions, not to mention my children. But when I really think about it, I see the danger this kind of thinking can […]

Yes, It Takes Two to Tango

Dr. Royal Lee and Dr. Weston A. Price My main interest—and for the most part the subject matter of my musings and writings—is nutrient dense foods. Yet I realized at one point while running my small practice that if I was going to help my clients learn to heal using food and diet, I would […]

Do You Know This Health Care Disruptor?

Using today’s terminology, Dr. Royal Lee was the healthcare leader of Disruptive Innovation – an innovation that eventually disrupts an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology, thinking, and lifestyle. The AMA was a phone booth. Royal Lee was a smart phone. Through his Lee Foundation (1940) […]

Get in the Rhythm with Vitamin B

“Why do we need vitamin B complex? Principally for our nerves. It maintains the normal rhythm of the heart. In a deficiency, irregular heart rhythm may occur. This is a loss of teamwork among the heart muscle areas, where, instead of all contracting together, one part contracts while another part relaxes. This is, of course, […]

Complimentary Herbs and Nerves Seminar Featuring Lee Carroll!

Attention, practitioners! Colorado will be the place to be March 11–13, 2014, for Lee Carroll’s seminar on Herbs and Nerves: Pain, Insomnia and Anxiety. These half-day seminars are complimentary, but advance registration is required, so sign up today! Don’t miss out on the chance to hear a lecture by one of the foremost authorities on […]

It Depends on the Vitamin

By now, you’ve probably heard about the vitamin studies published in the Annals of Internal Medicine “proving” that vitamins “don’t work.” My first question when I heard this news was, “What kind of vitamins did they give the study participants?” But when I read the studies, I couldn’t find an answer. The researchers list “multivitamin […]

The Truth About Vitamin C

It’s the time of year when everyone starts talking and thinking about colds and flu. It’s also the time of year when we start asking ourselves, “Should I get the flu shot?” For me, the answer is no. I don’t get the shot because I’d rather support my immune system’s ability to fight viruses and […]

High-Level Nutrition: An Introduction to Catalyn

Released in 1929, Catalyn was the first multivitamin formula ever made. This article will explain the history and philosophy behind this simple, yet powerful, product. Catalyn contains every nutrient the body needs to function. When it was introduced, researchers had not yet discovered most of the vitamins and minerals we’re familiar with today. Whenever a […]

Vitamin Supplements: How Much Vs. What Kind

Today’s world of vitamin supplements is full of confusion and contradiction! For an example of what I mean, read this article I shared on Facebook. The article, about calcium and heart issues, made me realize once again that the emphasis of almost all vitamin research is placed on how much of any particular vitamin you […]

Is a Vitamin an Antioxidant?

©Mark Anderson January 26, 2008 1. A vitamin is a biochemical substance from food that is essential for human/animal life. The functional forms and complexity of vitamins can differ according to animal species. a. Vitamins from food do not contribute to carcinogenesis or impair immune function. 2. An antioxidant is a substance made by plants […]