Tag Archives: whole food supplements

Healthy Eating for Older People:
Loving Our Loved Ones

We often forget about older people during the holidays, and for that matter during the rest of the year as well. (Sad but true.) Who are they? For the most part, they are aging loners who may or may not have family nearby. This year has been an especially difficult one for our seniors and […]

You Are Using Nutritional Healing—Even If You Don’t Know It!

The hardest thing about being an alternative healthcare provider isn’t that the natural methods in use for thousands of years have been replaced by drugs and surgery—although that is definitely a bitter pill to swallow (pun intended). No, the hardest part is when people tell us with complete sincerity and certainty, “I don’t believe in […]

How to Supplement Positive Thinking

My friend Cheryl was recently diagnosed with cancer. She has undergone radiation treatment but is supplementing that with a boon of positive thinking. Cheryl sent me links to some podcasts and videos on the mind-body connection, and I listened to a doctor discuss how the power of positive thinking may be a factor in unexplained […]

Why Do I Have to Take All This Weird Stuff?

As healthcare practitioners, we know that most of our professional advancement comes as a result of tackling new challenges. For example, a patient with a new condition may challenge us to come up with a new approach. Sometimes, all it takes is a question from an inquisitive patient to lead us to communicate in a […]

A Wholistic Approach

I don’t ask myself, “Why is this happening to me?” Instead, I ask myself, “What is happening to me?” When my health was first compromised, I simply thought I’d been dealt the menopause from Hades. But now I know that my suffering was—and is—caused by Hashimoto’s disease. If I’d been given my diagnosis years ago, […]

Can Proper Diet and Supplementation Heal Your Back Pain?

You are what you eat—and so is your back. Back pain is on the rise. Experts estimate a whopping 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. That’s bad news for those with back aches. Back pain may result from several factors, including injury, arthritis, or stress. Generally […]

The Unicorn Supplement

I remember my health class professor talking about the need for vitamin supplements back when I was in college many years ago. We were in the vitamin and mineral section of our coursework, learning about the different nutrients the body needs, and the professor explained that we can’t get all of these nutrients from our […]

The Importance of Balance in Your Life

One lesson I’ve come to learn in this wild adventure of adulthood is the immense importance of balance in my life. And no, I don’t mean being able to balance doing crane pose with a ball on top of my head (though that would still be an impressive feat). I mean balance between the different […]

Synthetic Vitamins vs. Whole Food Supplements: Which Is Best?

I’ve sometimes been stunned on the first visit from a new client. I generally ask that they bring in all of their medications, along with any vitamins and other health-related products, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that many of them would bring in twenty or more substances! And oftentimes they didn’t understand the […]

Are You a Vitalist or a Mechanist? Find Out Here!

Among the sweeping range of health and nutrition resources you’ll find at Selene Rive Press—including the hundreds of free articles the SRP Historical Archives—a common theme ties everything together. But this theme is not as simple as the broad, poorly defined concepts of “nutrition” or “health.” For example, ask any group of people how they […]

The Quest for Superior Nutrition: Our Desperate Need for Whole Food Supplementation

It’s a certain truth that dynamite comes in small packages. I want to discuss just such a shot of dynamite in the form of a powerful, 52-page booklet that was hidden among my favorite health reads: Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements by Stephanie Selene Anderson with Mark R. Anderson. Above the title of the […]

Dying to Be Beautiful: Yes, Your Cosmetics Might Kill You!

A shocking statistic: In his book Dying to Be Beautiful, Peter Lamas cites a statistic from the National Cancer Institute estimating that 20 percent of cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among women may be associated with commercial hair dye products. This is the same type of cancer that claimed the life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who, […]

The Blood Oxygen Phenomena! The Perilous Dangers of Low Level (O)

I have to admit that when all is said and done, healing may simply come down to knowing the most basic needs of the body in order for a sickened organ to begin the 180-degree turn, and head in the direction to heal a long-standing nonresponsive illness that despite all your efforts has plagued you […]

Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Muffins

I’m writing this article from a little breakfast nook, cup of tea in hand, at my mum’s house back in British Columbia. Finally starting to settle in and regain my energy—and sanity!—after the long, arduous journey, including sixteen hours of delays and rerouting from cars to planes to ferries. A challenging situation for any average […]

A Natural, Long-Term Solution

Constipation can be a major medical issue if not properly treated. Fecal buildup and retention can cause significant internal damage and related health issues, which doctors often recommend treating with more water, high-fiber foods, and prescription medicine. If the problem is a moderate case of constipation, such treatments can help. But such short-term solutions aren’t […]

How to Do Summer Right

Summer, summer, summertime. Cancel your Netflix and your cable. Unplug your TV. It’s time to get your summer on! Whether your style is camping, road-tripping, relaxing at the pool, or staying up late for fireworks on the 4th of July, take the best care of yourself and make the most out of the short summer […]

This Is Your Brain Sans Sunshine

At the time of this writing, we’re going on the fourteenth consecutive day of gray skies here in Iowa. The weather folks tell us we’ll hit seventeen before there’s even a chance the sun will rear its gorgeous head. When that day arrives, I envision all of us standing outside with our faces to the […]

My Body Doth Stink! The Psychological Effects of Bathing

I recently read an old article from 1988 that discussed the efficacy of cleansing our minds and spirits of possibly long-forgotten peccadilloes, regrets, and resentments. The author effectively explored the subject of confession by cleverly comparing it to the cleansing of our inner self, just as we must give our outer self a physical bath. […]