Tag Archives: whole food pet supplements

Alternative Modalities in Veterinary Medicine Today

Remember when a trip to the veterinary clinic would focus mainly on topics such as vaccinations and fecal exams? Well, today’s veterinarians are more aware of alternative care than ever before. Veterinarians, just like their counterparts in human medicine, now provide acupuncture, chiropractic care, laser treatment, stem cell treatment…the list goes on and on. Why, […]

Overstressed Pets

Stress is something we humans deal with every day. But let’s stop and think about our pets.  Do they have stress in their lives? If so, what types of stress do they deal with?  There’s a quote that goes: Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee […]

Doggie Diapers? No! Vasculin? Yes!

Abby enjoying the snow. by Samantha Prust with Tracie Hoffman, Vet Tech. My husband Dave and I rescued a 13-year-old shepherd mix named Abby. She is, of course, the sweetest, cutest, best dog in the universe. She is a member of our family, and we’re lucky to have found her. Unfortunately, older dogs don’t have […]

Think Beyond the Bowl

Pet foods don’t give your animals all the nutrition they need! How do I know this? As a veterinary technician, I meet with hundreds of experienced veterinarians in Colorado and throughout the country. Most of them tell me they’re encountering more cases of allergies, GI problems, and cancer today than they did 20 years ago. […]