Tag Archives: whole food nutrition

Crispy Salmon Cakes with Quick Homemade Tartar Sauce

The month of January prompts many of us to increase our focus on self-improvement. I personally make every attempt to avoid use of the term “resolution. It somehow seems to turn this time of inner reflection into more of a cliché than it should be. However, the beginning of a new year is a fitting—some […]

Boeuf Bourguignon

As much as I enjoy all the happiness and cheer of the holiday season, I, like many, am often quite exhausted after the hubbub is over. I have come to accept the fact that my chosen career path is one that requires working additional long and strenuous hours during most of the exciting occasions throughout […]

Odd Bits: How to Cook the Rest of the Animal

Never have foods so rich in flavor and so packed with nutrients been shown so little love. But such is the case for what we affectionately call “offal” meats. Long prized by adventurous chefs and regional cooks—but shunned by the rest of us—cuts from the tongue to the tail have disappeared from the American consciousness as […]

Best SRP Recipes of 2013

A hard choice but here they are—our staff favorites from Chef Briana’s 2013 menu.  For a healthy and delicious new year, add these keepers to your repertoire—and don’t forget to mix it up a bit with our upcoming 2014 recipes. Shiitake Vegetable Soup — No one wants to start the new year with a cold! […]

Organ Meats Are Offal Good

Grilled foie gras and vegetables in a savory broth. I remember watching Dances with Wolves during my childhood—particularly the scene where Lieutenant Dunbar participates in a hunt for “Tatanka,” or wild bison. After the kill, one of the Lakota warriors cuts open the fallen bison, pulls out its warm heart, and offers it to the […]

Mediterranean-Style Chicken Livers with Olives and Tomatoes

In the past few years, I have noticed a massive resurgence of interest in nose-to-tail eating—that is, the revival of using all parts of the animal, with somewhat of an emphasis on those frequently overlooked pieces that are, more often than not, reserved for things like pet food. Due in part to increased awareness of […]

Spanish-Style Roast Cod with Crispy Chorizo and Potatoes

Cod is inarguably the most familiar, wild-caught fish gracing the dinner tables in this country. Unfortunately, that familiarity has caused somewhat of a snub to the species, as if its quality depreciates with its popularity. Mild, with a medium-firm flesh, cod produces large, snow white flakes when cooked, and adapts to almost any cooking method […]

Behold, the Humble Potato

Scalloped, sautéed, baked, roasted, French-fried, cottage-fried; in a hash, in a stew, in a gratin, as a soup, with a roast—the potato can do all this and more. And now this versatile root vegetable —once all but eliminated from our regular menu rotation—is making a comeback. Why did we start avoiding potatoes in the first […]

Kale Salad with Roasted Winter Squash, Red Onion, and Feta

Crisp, frigid days customarily inspire foods that are cooked long and slow and served piping hot to warm our bones and nourish our souls during the cold winter months. For me, the same usually applies to my vegetable side dishes (besides the cooked long and slow detail, for the most part). There is no question […]

Weekly Meal Plans: The Most Useful Tool in Your Kitchen

Quick! What are you making for dinner tonight? And do you have what you need to make it? If you answered, “I’m not sure,” then you’re just like I used to be—before I discovered the beauty of the weekly meal plan. It simplified my life in a way that I can only describe as glorious. […]

Buckwheat Blini with Smoked Salmon

For the past five years or so, I’ve been catering a holiday party for a local dentist and his staff. These folks love to have fun and are always extremely creative in each year’s theme, going all out with games, food, and drinks to suit the occasion. The most recent theme was the Winter Olympics, […]

Stay on Your Diet AND Enjoy the Holidays

Here come the holiday parties and family feasts! How are you planning to stay on that diet, be it weight loss, Paleo, or gluten free? I’ll give you one tip—make the dish you most want to eat, prepared the way you can eat it. Want to enjoy dessert at the in-laws? Try this grain- and […]

Malaysian Turkey and Sweet Potato Curry

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and many of us are looking forward to a long, relaxing weekend, spent with family, friends, and of course, the traditional turkey. And while I do love the actual holiday feast, I honestly prefer the leftovers even more. More specifically, I love not having to think much about what to eat for […]

Chicken Soup: A Bowl Full of Science

I just learned something that blew my mind! But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself…Show of hands: how many of you are familiar with the old wives’ tale about making your loved ones chicken soup when they get sick? Everyone’s hand is up, right? Well, what if I told you this isn’t just an old […]

Top 5 Food Survival Tips for Staying on Your Diet During the Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is almost here—and so is the first wave of invitations to holiday parties and gatherings with friends and family. It can be a rough time for those of us who want to stay away from certain foods or who favor a certain type of food preparation. Unless you’re planning to host all of these […]

Doggie Diapers? No! Vasculin? Yes!

Abby enjoying the snow. by Samantha Prust with Tracie Hoffman, Vet Tech. My husband Dave and I rescued a 13-year-old shepherd mix named Abby. She is, of course, the sweetest, cutest, best dog in the universe. She is a member of our family, and we’re lucky to have found her. Unfortunately, older dogs don’t have […]

Sunchoke Gratin Dauphinois

Cool crisp days and chilly nights evoke a yearning for rib-sticking comfort foods. Few things are more satisfying than a succulent, rich dish of layered potatoes, cream, and cheese. This week, I was fortunate enough to get a hold of some freshly dug sunchokes, so I thought I would prepare a unique twist on a […]

Spicy Asian Beef and Bell Peppers with Fresh Herbs

As the hours of daylight really start waning, I often find myself compelled to eat dinner much earlier than usual. I jokingly call it “senior-citizen time.” However, though home-life tends to slow right down each autumn, all other daily activities keep at a relatively steady pace. Essentially, this means that there is actually less time […]

Whole-Grain Pumpkin Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Icing

I seriously debated presenting any pumpkin recipes in this blog. After all, the ubiquitous vegetable is certainly not lacking in publicity these days; it’s whirled into spiced lattes, nestled in ravioli, whipped into silken soups. I hesitated jumping on the pumpkin bandwagon, concerned that adding yet another pumpkin recipe to the vast collection may only […]

Brussels Sprout and Kale Salad with Pecans and Parmesan

If I had to name one vegetable that sends most folks running, it would be Brussels sprouts. Unfortunately, what creates this stigma is incessant overcooking that releases sulfuric compounds. It’s really too bad because Brussels sprouts are quite delicious and extremely good for you. They are also coming in to their peak season right now. […]