Tag Archives: unhealthy foods

Rules for Purging Your Pantry

If you’re like me, you go through cycles of squirreling away food like, well, a squirrel. Maybe you buy ingredients for a new recipe you never try. Perhaps you get a great deal on that “super food” that no one liked. Or it could be that you’re just in a rut from cooking the same […]

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: The Healthiest Alternatives to Refined Sugar

One of the hottest health topics today is the demonization of refined sugar—and for good reason. It’s fatally destructive to your body, and it’s even more addictive than cocaine. (In this article I want to focus on healthy alternatives to refined sugar, but if you want to learn how this modern curse has disabled and […]

Little Addicts


Dad and I were standing next to the cake and candy table at my cousin Leah’s wedding, watching the couple’s first dance. Two little boys about 5 and 8 came up and frantically scanned the glass candy bowls. But all of the candy was gone. The 5-year-old spun around and stared up at us. “Where […]

How Do You “NT” a Recipe?

NT a recipe

You’re probably scratching your head about now and wondering if the writer has lost it! After all, what kind of title is that for a blog post? But hang in there and let me explain. By now many of you know that NT is short for the Sally Fallon cookbook Nourishing Traditions. But to many […]

“Healthy Sweeteners” Is Not an Oxymoron

Who doesn’t enjoy a sweet treat every once in awhile? I know my family does. While I don’t have baked goods around continuously, a really good chocolate chip cookie is one of my all-time favorite indulgences. And now that I know about various choices for healthy sweeteners, I feel better about indulging just a little […]

Soda Habit: Breaking Up Ain’t Hard to Do

Back in the day, I was an avid soda drinker. And I’m not talking about just once in a while. I drank my share and your share and maybe even part of your best friend’s share. Growing up, I was almost never allowed this tempting beverage, so apparently I had to make up for it […]

The Sugar-Cancer Connection


You may have heard the question posed on 60 Minutes: “Is sugar toxic?” According to the segment’s host, Sanjay Gupta, “the average American consumes 130 pounds of sugar a year.” But, you say, “I don’t eat sweets.” Are you sure about that? Sugar lurks in many foods—whole-grain bread, fat-free yogurt, organic spaghetti sauce…the list goes […]