Tag Archives: self-care

Self-Health Habit #11:
Make Self-Care a Priority

Quick! Grab your to-do list and tell me what’s on it. If you’re like most adult humans on the planet, you’ll rattle off rather mundane tasks: Balance the checkbook. Pick up dog food. Return library books. But have you jotted down any joyfully rejuvenating activities to take care of yourself? No? Let’s change that immediately. […]

Why You Should Pamper Yourself:
A Profound Physiological Remedy

Merriam defines the word “physiology” as: “A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved.” What a perfect word to help discover the reasons for discovering why you should pamper yourself. This is […]

What Does Your Body Mean to You?

I was sitting in my kitchen, eating my post workout snack (Greek yogurt with organic blueberries and strawberries), when a funny question popped in my head. Should I add almonds, even though they’re not my favorite, because food is the fuel for our bodies. Thinking of this instantly brought back a memory from high school. […]