Tag Archives: probiotics

Probiotics? Prebiotics? What’s the Difference?

In the world of alternative and holistic health, probiotics have been a topic of discussion for quite some time. Heck, even conventional medicine has come to recognize the health benefits they provide, and all of the TV commercials that tout them are yet another sign that they’ve gone mainstream (though not all are created equal).   Lately, in the circle of resources I rely on, I’ve noticed another word creeping into the conversation: prebiotics. Hmm…Probiotics? Prebiotics? What’s the […]

Are You Buying or Renting Your Probiotics?

What are “probiotics”? They’re living organisms (friendly bacteria) that need a conducive environment in order to grow and become self-sustaining. If the environment of your intestines, sinuses, and/or vaginal tract isn’t conducive to friendly bacteria, you’ll always “need” probiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently defines probiotics as “live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate […]