Tag Archives: organic food

Practice Forgiveness: One Very Important Dietary Guideline from the Weston A. Price Foundation

While slowly absorbing and incorporating the 20 dietary guidelines recommended by Sally Fallon Morrell and the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) into my life, I always found the final guideline totally astonishing—“Practice Forgiveness.” But isn’t forgiveness related to some form of spiritual or emotional work? Not that the other 19 guidelines hold any less importance […]

Baked Spaghetti Squash with Basil, Beef, and Sausage Ragu

With summer holidays well behind us and school back in full swing, all of a sudden it seems like dinner is once again an issue. I don’t know if it’s the shorter days or the extra activity that hits in the fall—probably a little of each. But every year around this time I find myself […]

Common Sense Reasons to Eat Organic Food

One of most heated debates about food these days is whether or not organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown. No matter what side of the fence you’re on, it’s easy to find a study that will support your perspective. In my mind, there are some basic, common-sense reasons why we should eat as […]

How Do You “NT” a Recipe?

NT a recipe

You’re probably scratching your head about now and wondering if the writer has lost it! After all, what kind of title is that for a blog post? But hang in there and let me explain. By now many of you know that NT is short for the Sally Fallon cookbook Nourishing Traditions. But to many […]

The Art of Companion Planting

Carrots love tomatoes, and roses love garlic. Much like humans, plants like to be around other plants they love: their companions. Companion planting is the practice of designing the layout of your crops so that two or more vegetables, herbs, or flowers with beneficial characteristics grow close together. And it’s pretty amazing! Beneficial characteristics include […]

Support The Food School

Selene River Press proudly supports The Food School at Common Ground Urban Farm, a nonprofit advocate of real food, local food systems, food justice, and agricultural education for kids. Here’s your chance to support a worthy cause! Come enjoy live music from Fort Collins’ own Grateful Dead tribute band Switchman Sleepin’ while you  help raise […]

Don’t Be a Food Label Fool

Are you a fool when it comes to food labels? You’re not alone. The way the food industry twists label definitions with tricky language on food packaging makes all of us look foolish when we walk down the aisles of our local market. We make personal choices to eat natural, wholesome, and nourishing foods. But […]

The Shocking Truth About Nut Butters

Coconut Almond Butter

My whole family loves nut butters. For breakfast, raw almond butter slathered on a piece of warm toast with melty butter underneath, gobbled up while it’s still gooey. For a snack, roasted peanut and raw sesame-seed butter smeared on crisp apple slices. For dinner, peanut butter made into a sauce over chicken, vegetables, and rice. […]

Dr. Royal Lee’s Classic Nutrition Course, From Soil to Supplement, now available as an eBook

Now you can put the wisdom of Dr. Royal Lee in your pocket and take it with you wherever you go. From Soil to Supplement: A Course in Food, Diet, and Nutrition, Taught by Dr. Royal Lee is available as an eBook in EPUB and Kindle formats as well as in print. This book was designed and edited by Mark R. Anderson […]
