Tag Archives: organic farming

5 Ways Eating Organic Can Improve Mental Wellness

We’ve all had those days when we feel down and don’t know why. More often than you might think, it’s due to your diet. Eating well, especially with organic food, can help improve your mental wellness and overall well-being. Read on to learn how and why eating organic can improve your state of mind. #1. […]

What Does Malnutrition Look Like?

With National Nutrition Month coming to an end, a look at what it means to take this topic for granted seems in order. If you’re lucky, you were brought up eating all the right things (at least most of the time) and you’ve continued as you started making your own food choices (again, at least most of the time).   But what if that […]

The CSA and the Fickle Consumer- Part 2

Last month I wrote about how many CSA farms and other direct-to-consumer farms are struggling with the increasingly fickle consumer and the growing competition of online food sales. Taking our plethora of diverse food choices for granted has become the norm. No matter how many times you may suggest that people be grateful for their food and […]

Top 3 Ways to Get Your Produce Locally

Every year when the spring equinox rolls around I start craving the ultra-freshness of local fruits and vegetables. Aside from the vibrant flavors, local produce is also nutritionally superior to the stuff that’s trucked in from the other side of the country (and skipping the trucks altogether is better for the air we breathe too). […]

Are You Avoiding Pasta? If Yes, This Blog Post Is for You

Heaven forbid that we should mention pasta. Why? Because the refined version is fattening, and it’s chock-full of simple carbohydrates and empty calories. In addition, the flour hasn’t been prepared properly by soaking it for easy digestion. To be honest, I’d not even thought of pasta for many years. But when a memory brought it […]

What’s Your Beef


Eating grass-fed beef may be one way to help the environment. What?! But to save the planet, you must stop eating meat, right? The answer isn’t so simple. Read this Wall Street Journal essay and this Time magazine article to find out how sustainable methods of raising cattle and other animals for food can help […]

Synthetically Modified Food—Another Reason to Worry?

GMO corn

A lot of people are freaking out about GMOs—and for good reason. The public has been lied to many times regarding food safety, so it’s no surprise we’re paranoid. How can we overlook mistakes like this old ad: “DDT is good for me-e-e!” While the GMO debate rages, now there’s a new kid on the […]

Common Sense Reasons to Eat Organic Food

One of most heated debates about food these days is whether or not organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown. No matter what side of the fence you’re on, it’s easy to find a study that will support your perspective. In my mind, there are some basic, common-sense reasons why we should eat as […]

Your Backyard Garden Is Killing Honeybees!

DDT advertisement circa 1947 from Pennsalt Chemicals. In a recent article for the American Bee Journal, Ron Phipps writes: […] it is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread use of neonicotinoids on agricultural crops is a major factor [for annual honeybee losses.] The manufacturers of these pesticides, like the manufacturers of tobacco products in an […]

The Art of Companion Planting

Carrots love tomatoes, and roses love garlic. Much like humans, plants like to be around other plants they love: their companions. Companion planting is the practice of designing the layout of your crops so that two or more vegetables, herbs, or flowers with beneficial characteristics grow close together. And it’s pretty amazing! Beneficial characteristics include […]

Spring Cheepers

They’re so darn cute—those tiny, fragile, yellow and brown fluff balls of adorable goodness. The cheeps from the baby chicks and ducks remind us that spring is here. But their journey started long before their eggs began to crack. Reasons for hatching your own birds can vary. You may want to establish a strong and […]

Support The Food School

Selene River Press proudly supports The Food School at Common Ground Urban Farm, a nonprofit advocate of real food, local food systems, food justice, and agricultural education for kids. Here’s your chance to support a worthy cause! Come enjoy live music from Fort Collins’ own Grateful Dead tribute band Switchman Sleepin’ while you  help raise […]

Silent Sting: Plight of the Pollinators

Spraying poison on almonds

In the middle of an almond orchard, a tractor sprays the trees in bloom RIGHT NEXT to the honeybee hives. Of course, it must be lemonade they are spraying, right? They would never spray insecticide or fungicide right next to the hives, right? As far as honeybees are concerned, what happens in Southern California early […]