Tag Archives: muscle response analysis

Two Practitioners and Two Methods at One Great Seminar

Nutrition is on everyone’s mind these days. I have a pretty good idea of what’s healthy and what isn’t, but is it that simple? We need professional and customized guidance when it comes to the complex web of nutritional health. Holistic practitioners are perfectly poised to tap into these concerns that we all face on […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Advanced Review, featuring Lowell Keppel, D.C.

Benchmarks…people say it all the time, but what does it mean? A benchmark is a point of reference from which measurements may be made. It’s something you use to track your progress. So how does Muscle Response Analysis work as a benchmark, you might ask? Well, if you want to learn more, Dr. Lowell Keppel […]

Salt Lake City Welcomes Dr. Lowell Keppel!

Do you want to: Fine-tune your Muscle Response Analysis testing? Better serve your patients? Get 8 CEU credits? Then don’t miss this seminar on Muscle Response Analysis! Selene River Press and Standard Process West are proud to sponsor Lowell Keppel, DC, in Salt Lake City on June 7, 2014. Dr. Keppel’s seminar is designed for […]