Tag Archives: mental health

Anxiety and Fear: What If They’re Caused by Bad Habits?

I can just see every psychiatrist, psychologist, and even many holistic practitioners wondering if I’ve gone off the deep end by introducing the idea that maybe, just maybe, the excessive and sometimes irrational anxiety and fear experienced by millions of people in our society could be caused by a set of really bad habits. Yes, […]

Eat Your Way to Mental Health

When facing mental health issues, we often turn to lifestyle changes such as stress reduction and meditation. While these tools can play a very important role in your recovery, they shouldn’t overshadow one of the most important things you can do for your mental health—eat for your brain. Brain health and mood stability are dependent […]

Nutrient Dense Foods and Mental Health

Way back in 1939, Weston A. Price documented the link between diet and mental health in his groundbreaking book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. His work still holds true to this day. When Dr. Price studied indigenous cultures around the globe in the 1930s, he found that eggs from pastured hens, deep yellow butter from grass-fed […]

Why You Should Take Your Workout Outside—Even in the Winter

It can be hard to get the motivation for a workout in the cold winter months, let alone do it outside. But exercising out in the cold actually carries benefits above and beyond what you get from a gym. Here’s why you should be taking that workout outside, no matter what the weather. 1. More […]

How Human Touch Benefits Everyone

Think about the last time someone reached out and grabbed your hand just when you needed it. Chances are, this gesture immediately made you feel calmer, more supported, and ready to face whatever challenge was in front of you. This response isn’t unique to you or your situation (though there’s no harm in focusing on […]