Tag Archives: men’s health

Compelling Facts About Men’s (and Boy’s) Health

Boys and girls are different in more than just the obvious ways. We discussed some need-to-know facts about girls health last month, so let’s consider a few compelling health facts about the boys out there. Be aware that when it comes to diagnoses, these three familiar conditions are more commonly diagnosed in boys. Boys are […]

Guys, Want to Know How Healthy You Are?
Try These Simple Physical Fitness Tests

Many of you guys out there walk around assuming you’re fairly healthy. You eat mostly nutritious food, and you get some exercise more days than not. That’s good enough, yes? Wouldn’t it be cool if there were some simple physical fitness tests you could perform—in the comfort of your own home—to confirm this? Read on. […]

Self-Health Habit #6: Move. Every. Day.

I was recently listening to an excerpt from Dr. Keith Kimberlin’s seminar, “How We Get Sick: The Human Stress Response,” and was struck by his practical approach. In very pragmatic terms, Dr. Kimberlin explained how a person’s unmanaged stress response triggers a spiral of all sorts of disease—heart disease, acid reflux, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and […]

Things We Should Have Asked About Vasectomy

Nearly thirteen years ago, my husband and I made a decision that seemed like the logical thing to do. Our youngest son had just been born, and we were content with the way our family looked. We decided we were done having kids. So we did what we had to to make sure our decision […]