Tag Archives: holistic nutrition

Stumbling Blocks to Healing: The “Yeah, But” Story

 I was recently going through my closed client files, some of which I’d not looked at for a few years. As I read each file, I suddenly felt nostalgic. It was akin to pulling out old boxes of family photos and simply sitting and pondering over each one of them. Some photos bring us a […]

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: The Healthiest Alternatives to Refined Sugar

One of the hottest health topics today is the demonization of refined sugar—and for good reason. It’s fatally destructive to your body, and it’s even more addictive than cocaine. (In this article I want to focus on healthy alternatives to refined sugar, but if you want to learn how this modern curse has disabled and […]

Modern Advances That Hold Back Our Health

It is an alluring idea to think that any modern advance that helps us live a more comfortable life has been thoroughly tested before being allowed into our homes. After all, we’d all like to believe that the products we rely on every day are ultimately helpful rather than harmful. Unfortunately, that’s not always the […]

Fermenting Veggies with Ease

Making my own fermented vegetables. I’d been meaning to do it for quite some time, but I was nervous. After all, the lacto-fermentation method in Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions instructs you to leave food in a jar, stored in a regular old cupboard, for several days. How do you keep it safe? Various articles I’d […]

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Calcium

Few supplements are taken as often—and used as improperly—as calcium. Dishonest peddlers have made millions of dollars by hyping this precious mineral. They give false hope to those who suffer from calcium deficiency, which creates a real dilemma for many holistic practitioners. In this short educational presentation, I’ll explain why. I have to admit that […]

I Kombucha…Do You?

Have you ever built something up in your mind as being more of a hassle than it’s worth? Too much equipment. Too many weird ingredients. Too time consuming. Too whatever. Well, that’s how I felt about making my own kombucha—it was too much everything. It seemed easier to just grab a few bottles on sale […]

Synthetically Modified Food—Another Reason to Worry?

GMO corn

A lot of people are freaking out about GMOs—and for good reason. The public has been lied to many times regarding food safety, so it’s no surprise we’re paranoid. How can we overlook mistakes like this old ad: “DDT is good for me-e-e!” While the GMO debate rages, now there’s a new kid on the […]

Relaxation: The Cure-All Vitamin

Some years back I saw a survey of several thousand people who were asked what they considered their greatest blessing. The majority indicated “A good night’s sleep!”   I don’t disagree. Thinking back to when I was privileged to meet Sally Fallon Morell for the first time, my most poignant memory is proudly holding onto […]

Little Addicts


Dad and I were standing next to the cake and candy table at my cousin Leah’s wedding, watching the couple’s first dance. Two little boys about 5 and 8 came up and frantically scanned the glass candy bowls. But all of the candy was gone. The 5-year-old spun around and stared up at us. “Where […]

This Year, Give the Gift of Real Food

Believe it or not, there are only 16 days until Christmas. How’s your shopping coming along? I’m a list maker, so I like nothing better than to write down all of the people I need to buy for, make note of something they mentioned wanting, and cross their name off once I find the perfect […]

Creamy Tomato Bisque

The day I sat down to write this post, the weather had severely changed. The previous morning I was wearing sandals and a dress as I dropped my daughter off at preschool. But by early afternoon, the temperature had dropped so dramatically that I struggled to get warm. Today it seems as if winter has […]

The Real Thanksgiving Story…and Some Great Nourishing Traditions Recipes

Among the many things I’ve read over time that left a big impact on me, there’s one I’ve been saving to share with my readers. It’s about one of our most loved American traditions: Thanksgiving.  A big thanks to Richard J. Marbury for bringing us up to date on what the first Thanksgiving was really […]

How to Combat Lunchbox Envy

We decided to send our kids to school with packed lunches long ago, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. But there’s a sticky little problem that goes along with it—around our house, we call it “lunchbox envy.” And this far into the school year, we know it will make an appearance any time […]

The Six Core Principles of Trophotherapy, Featuring Dr. Michael Gaeta

If you’re a healthcare practitioner and you don’t know what trophotherapy is, here’s your opportunity to find out! The short answer? Trophotherapy is the science of healing by applied nutrition. But as a practitioner, you need to know more. With this seminar quickly approaching, there’s no better time to get the critical information you need […]

Start Your Day Like a Champion

We all know the old saying touting breakfast as the most important meal of the day—and there’s a ton of truth to support this philosophy. Making breakfast a priority sets the stage for balanced blood sugars and reduced food cravings throughout the rest of the day. But not all breakfasts are created equal, right? The […]

Ancient Grain Primer: Taking a Closer Look at Nutrient Dense Grains

I recently had the privilege to write an article for the Weston A. Price Foundation titled “To Gluten or Not to Gluten,” and I was amazed to see so many responses of the not-so- favorable type. It didn’t take long to realize that I’d touched a very sensitive nerve with my suggestion that we stop […]

What’s So Great About Apples?

Fall is here, and along with the season comes one of the most versatile fruits out there, the apple. It’s easy to find an apple recipe for every eating occasion you can imagine, and for good reason. This ubiquitous, orb-like fruit is simply delicious—and it’s quite nutritious as well. What’s so great about apples? Let […]

Buckwheat: It’s Not What You Think It Is

With a name like buckwheat, it would be understandable to assume it’s a form of wheat. Right? Well, if you were to make this assumption, you’d be completely wrong. Turns out that buckwheat isn’t a grain, like wheat. It’s actually a fruit seed related to rhubarb. The fact that buckwheat is a seed rather than […]

Practice Forgiveness: One Very Important Dietary Guideline from the Weston A. Price Foundation

While slowly absorbing and incorporating the 20 dietary guidelines recommended by Sally Fallon Morrell and the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) into my life, I always found the final guideline totally astonishing—“Practice Forgiveness.” But isn’t forgiveness related to some form of spiritual or emotional work? Not that the other 19 guidelines hold any less importance […]

Common Sense Reasons to Eat Organic Food

One of most heated debates about food these days is whether or not organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown. No matter what side of the fence you’re on, it’s easy to find a study that will support your perspective. In my mind, there are some basic, common-sense reasons why we should eat as […]