Tag Archives: holistic nutrition

Antinutrients: Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Them

There seems to be a lot written about “antinutrients” in the diet-blogosphere these days, especially by those who have aligned themselves with ancestral or low carb diets. Usually antinutrients are discussed in terms of why they should be avoided. I mean, really, they’re called antinutrients, aren’t they? If nutrients are good, then it’s obvious that antinutrients […]

Why Is It Harder for Women to Lose Weight Than Men?

If I had a nickel for every time a fellow female asked the question above, I’d have a whole lotta nickels. Of course, this wouldn’t make me rich or anything, but I have been meaning to start my nickel collection. ;) Enough about nickels already. When a man and a woman both commit to eating […]

Weight Loss and the Lost Art of Folk Medicine

I just love opening up to a random page in D.C. Jarvis’s book Folk Medicine: A New England Almanac of Natural Health Care from a Noted Vermont Country Doctor. Every time I do, I come across some fascinating piece of information that makes me think, “Really?! I had no idea. How interesting!” Then I completely […]

Reflexology: Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Feet

This may come as a surprise, but your feet hold a vast and wonderful network of pathways that help keep you feeling at your optimum. The practice of reflexology, which is the gentle manipulation of certain parts of the foot, has led to many cases of healing when nothing else works. If you want to […]

How Often Should You Shower?

The other day, I overheard one of our boys make this comment: “If I can afford it, I will shower three times a day when I have my own place.” In the morning showering helps him wake up. At midday he showers to clean himself after his rigorous basketball workout. And in the evening a […]

Dying to Be Beautiful: Yes, Your Cosmetics Might Kill You!

A shocking statistic: In his book Dying to Be Beautiful, Peter Lamas cites a statistic from the National Cancer Institute estimating that 20 percent of cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among women may be associated with commercial hair dye products. This is the same type of cancer that claimed the life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who, […]

7 Things Skin Says About Your Health

Our skin is a natural barometer of our overall health. The healthier we are on the inside, the more we shine from the outside—and who doesn’t want glowing, clear skin with no blemishes? However, our skin is important in other ways as well. It acts as an armor to guard our organs from physical harm. […]

Does Skipping Breakfast Affect Your Weight?

The simple answer to this question is yes. In my clinic, I’ve seen time and again that people who regularly skip breakfast are more likely to become overweight or obese. And they’re surprised to learn that not eating, or eating less, can lead to weight gain! Contrary to the belief that skipping breakfast means you […]

Butter: Delicious and Wonderfully Nutritious

Parents always have fun stories to tell about their kids, and my parents are no exception. In their favorite story about me as a baby, I’m a little Houdini. At not even two-years old, I’d already mastered the art of escaping from my crib at night, no matter what my parents did to keep me […]

Yikes! Plaque in My Arteries: Keeping the Arteries in Tip-Top Shape

Are you ever surprised by some of the choices your closest family members or friends make in the attempt to avoid supposedly artery-clogging cholesterol? In recent conversations with friends who know I’m a retired nutritionist with access to natural, effective techniques to staying healthy—and, of course, a broad-based knowledge of foods and supplements that can […]

7 Reasons to Eat Pumpkin Seeds Daily

Don’t be fooled by the diminutive size of pumpkin seeds—they pack quite a punch. Even if pumpkins are already part of your diet, you should consider adding the seeds as well. After all, they’re packed with tons of nutrients, and they’re just as delicious to eat as pumpkins. Also, when it comes to consuming the […]

Stop Managing Your Diabetes—Start Reversing It!

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot adequately process insulin and regulate blood sugars. Although many factors play into determining whether an individual develops type 2 diabetes, the standard American diet, which is loaded with processed foods and refined sugars, definitely plays a major role in the epidemic of type 2 […]

Declare Your Health Independence

Independence Day—the day we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress back on July 4, 1776. My challenge to you is to make July 4, 2017, be the day you declare your health independence. Health independence simply means taking personal responsibility for your health. We’re not talking about the […]

There’s Bread and Then There’s Bread

When you think about food, do you sometimes feel like you live in two worlds at the same time? One is a colorful world of healthy food that’s full of nutrients. The other is a black-and-white world of unhealthy food that’s devoid of nutrients. In one of these worlds, bread is the staff of life. […]

Rules for Purging Your Pantry

If you’re like me, you go through cycles of squirreling away food like, well, a squirrel. Maybe you buy ingredients for a new recipe you never try. Perhaps you get a great deal on that “super food” that no one liked. Or it could be that you’re just in a rut from cooking the same […]

Eating Dairy: Do or Don’t?

What should you consider when it comes to your dairy intake? These days, it seems there’s lot of confusion around dairy. On the one hand, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) recommends consuming dairy as part of a healthy eating pattern. On the other hand, independent health experts and those who support […]

How to Live with Your Gallbladder

When I set out to write a book about the importance of the gallbladder, many people thought I was crazy. My children thought it was disgusting, and my friends just thought it was weird. However, my husband was incredibly supportive. While I did the research, he contributed his clinical experience as a chiropractic physician specializing […]

Why You Should Take Your Workout Outside—Even in the Winter

It can be hard to get the motivation for a workout in the cold winter months, let alone do it outside. But exercising out in the cold actually carries benefits above and beyond what you get from a gym. Here’s why you should be taking that workout outside, no matter what the weather. 1. More […]

How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part One

Few things are more discouraging than planning a nutritious meal, gathering healthy ingredients, and cooking the wholesome dish for your family—only to be met with a chorus of complaints: “This looks gross!” “What’s that green stuff?” “I hate tomatoes!” And the ultimate, “I’m not eating that.” Your heart sinks. Your temperature rises a little (or […]

Don’t Make Another Resolution Before Reading This

Another year has begun. Now that the trials and tribulations of 2016 are behind us, we can charge toward the resolutions we declared for the clean slate of 2017. As you consider what you want to achieve in the upcoming year, there are a few things you can do to set yourself up for success. […]