Tag Archives: holistic nutrition

Health-Boosting New Year’s Resolutions for 2019

There’s something very promising and positive about New Year’s resolutions, those goals we make for ourselves and for our loved ones. We do our best to keep them, even though we often don’t succeed. Here are some common resolutions we make to improve our health, along with some tips for accomplishing them. Keep a Journal […]

Exploring the Second Brain:
Gut Signals and What They Mean

When my clients describe the following, I immediately know what they are talking about: “gut signals.” A sudden and anxiety filled awakening that often comes in the super early-morning hours, approximately 3 AM—though symptoms may also come at other times of the day, depending on many factors. Since I frequently hear more about the 3:00 […]

5 Health-Boosting Spices You Should Stock in Your Pantry

In the battle to find a healthy balance between eating food that’s good for you and food that tastes great, you have a secret weapon: your spice rack. To avoid the temptation of foods loaded with sugars, salt, and/or fats, a well-stocked spice rack and kitchen pantry can give you a serious advantage. Why is […]

Hangovers: Self-Inflicted Suffering!

The dreaded hangover—that painful reminder that you overindulged. Isn’t it true what we ALWAYS say? I’m never doing that again! And yet, after a few days or a few weeks, we find ourselves suffering again because of our own poor decisions. Dr. Scott Walker, DC, one of my mentors and the developer of the Neuro-Emotional […]

Self-Health Habit #2: Make an Appointment for Biomarker Testing

If you’re one of the many people who avoids going to the doctor, this month’s self-health habit is for you, and merely a reminder for everyone else. I challenge you to make an appointment for biomarker testing this month. A simple blood draw and the corresponding results are a great tool to compile a complete […]

Are You a Vitalist or a Mechanist? Find Out Here!

Among the sweeping range of health and nutrition resources you’ll find at Selene Rive Press—including the hundreds of free articles the SRP Historical Archives—a common theme ties everything together. But this theme is not as simple as the broad, poorly defined concepts of “nutrition” or “health.” For example, ask any group of people how they […]

The Mystical Side of Nutmeg: Legend, Reality, or Something In-Between?

Every once in a while, I go to my spice rack only to see spices that have been there seemingly for years! (Sigh) As I rummage through my vast collection, looking for a few favorites for some dish I’m making, I’m always left with a little guilt that some of my spices have been there […]

6 Healthy Eating Tips for Beginners

Where do I even begin? This is the first question that anyone starting their path to healthy eating must answer—including myself. Learning how to eat healthy can be intimidating when you’re just beginning. I grew up as one of eight children, which meant my parents were more focused on providing enough food rather than the […]

Disturbing Facts About Melatonin: What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us—Keep Reading

There’s no denying the fact that many people in our modern culture experience serious sleeping problems, which accounts for why so many of us are ingesting a potent and possibly dangerous synthetic hormone, melatonin. You may be thinking to yourself, What? I only take natural melatonin. This is a harmless sleep aid, and I won’t […]

The Quest for Superior Nutrition: Our Desperate Need for Whole Food Supplementation

It’s a certain truth that dynamite comes in small packages. I want to discuss just such a shot of dynamite in the form of a powerful, 52-page booklet that was hidden among my favorite health reads: Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements by Stephanie Selene Anderson with Mark R. Anderson. Above the title of the […]

The CSA and the Fickle Consumer- Part 1

Reprinted with permission from author, Rebecca Thistelthwaite, and LocalHarvest. I have written about community-supported agriculture (CSAs) before and so haveprevious writers at LocalHarvest. CSA farming is truly at the core of what LocalHarvest does connecting consumers with farmers in a mutual relationship of reciprocity. But times are changing. Consumers have an ever broadening expanse of options to locate […]

Does Caffeine Have the Same Effect on Everyone?

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of people say, “Caffeine doesn’t affect me,” which confused me.  It has always been my understanding that caffeine is a stimulant and should be likely to affect one person the same as any other. Right? I mean, a stimulant is a stimulant. It triggers the brain and central nervous […]

Progress, Not Perfection:
Stay on Your Self-Health Path!

I’ve always been an all-or-nothing kind of person. When I do something, I go ALL in, full throttle. I’ll push myself as hard as I possibly can to finish what I’ve started. This has been a great quality in my life, and I’ve accomplished a lot of difficult goals because of it. However, there’s a problem: the “nothing” in […]

The Beauty of Raw Honey

The last time my hubby and I stopped by our local fresh fruit and veggie market, I was mesmerized by the beautiful rows of honey-filled glass jars. It was almost as if they were glowing, luring each shopper hither. Sirens of the condiment world, but without the danger. I’d already confirmed that honey is a […]

11 Tips for Getting Great Results with Herbs

Because of the amazing healing capacity of herbs, I’ve been able to regain my health after a serious battle with lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Knowing what I’ve been through, friends and family often come to me with their questions. What herb should my aunt take for her lupus? What herb can I take for […]

Signs You Need More Salt in Your Diet

“You need to add more salt into your diet.” Those are words we rarely hear. Yet much to my surprise that’s just what our clinical nutritionist recently told me. I was discussing some odd symptoms I’d been experiencing, and after asking me a series of questions, she explained that my sodium and potassium levels were […]

Detoxing the Villi: Why? So You Might Be Able to Eat Gluten and Wheat Again!

Looking at the vast number of articles, podcasts, and blog posts out there about gluten, it seems that our flight from this substance is becoming more and more of the “in” thing. I wonder if this trend is just a temporary craze or if there’s something more to be understood here. Unfortunately, not enough of […]

What Role Does Nutrition Play in Your Mental Health?

With all of the discussion out there about how more and more of us are dealing with anxiety and depression, it’s hard not to wonder what other treatments we can turn to besides traditional pharmaceuticals and talk therapy. A question that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while now is: What role does […]

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: New Research on Why We Sleep

Matthew Walker’s important new book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams offers readers an in-depth discussion of why we spend a third of our lives in bed. In lively and personable language, he explains all of the latest research about sleep and dreams. Scientists at several top universities have discovered that […]

How to Chew Like a Pro

The act of chewing doesn’t seem very complicated. Open your jaw, close your jaw, open your jaw, close your jaw. Do that until the chunks of food in your mouth are small enough to swallow and make it to your stomach, and you’re golden. Next task, please. Not so fast! It turns out there’s more […]