Tag Archives: holistic nutrition

Healing with Gemstones:
Fact or Fiction?

When all is said and done, everything in the universe is energy. Even a seemingly dead old rock emanates its own energy! There is not a single thing I have studied that lacks this powerful ability to affect change in our bodies, our minds, and, yes, even the very spirit that dwells within us. In […]

Got Viruses? Get Raw Milk!

There are large, well-designed, peer-reviewed studies published in EU scientific journals showing that consumption of raw milk prevents colds. Colds are viruses! Every year the cold or flu virus is different, but as long as our immune systems are healthy and strong, our bodies will adjust to the new threat. These studies also show that […]

Unexplained Fatigue:
Has Your Get Up and Go Got Up and Gone?

In the words of Samuel Butler, “Life is one long process of getting tired.” Maybe Mr. Butler was experiencing unexplained fatigue when he wrote his famous quote. This phenomenon is no stranger for many of us. I’ve experienced it myself and worked with many clients who have as well. They’ve come to me and simply […]

Can Proper Diet and Supplementation Heal Your Back Pain?

You are what you eat—and so is your back. Back pain is on the rise. Experts estimate a whopping 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. That’s bad news for those with back aches. Back pain may result from several factors, including injury, arthritis, or stress. Generally […]

Help, I Have GERD!
A Tale of Two Sphincters

According to MarketWatch.com, “The global Antacids market was 6120 million US$ in 2018 and is expected to be 6460 million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 0.7% between 2019 and 2025.” An impressive number, especially when you consider that all these sales are meant to reduce or eliminate a key […]

Demystifying the Mitochondria:
Must Know Facts About Cellular Health

As a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, I’m privy to a wonderful publication called Wise Traditions. This quarterly journal delves into nutrient dense foods as well as health issues discussed by top-rated doctors, scientists, and other holistically minded people. It’s easy to read and absorb, and one of the things I like best […]

The Two Most Important Tools for Health

As I’ve stated before, we need to do the following to stay healthy: move well, sleep well, eat well, and think well. This principle is loosely borrowed from Dr. James Chestnut, who was the first recipient of the Certified Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle (CCWL) and whose book Live Right for Your Species Type is still the […]

Let’s Make 2020 the Year of Seeing Things Clearly

There was once a time when the year 2020 sounded incredibly futuristic. We’d never reach it—but if we did, there’s no way we’d look at our daily lives the same way in 2020 as we did back then. Surely, everything would be different. Right? Yet we’re just a few days into this visionary year and […]

The Proverbial Milkshake:
Improving One of America’s Favorite Treats

I suppose that the majority of my readers would shamelessly admit that they’ve enjoyed many, many milkshakes in their lifetime. I too am guilty. (Smile) As a matter of fact, milkshakes are one of my favorite childhood memories. I especially remember the fun of going to the corner drugstore with my girlfriends to sip on […]

Role of Chiropractic Adjustment in Pediatric Health Care

At the Erin Mills Optimum Health clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, we see many people, including children, seeking chiropractic adjustments to obtain relief for their neck and back pain. Chiropractic care can also correct spinal misalignment issues associated with serious nervous system and spinal problems if left untreated. Children, especially those who suffer from chronic health […]

The Dream State:
The Physical, the Emotional, the Prophetic

Do you dream often? And if you do, are you aware of what, why, and how your dreams happen? In recent months I’ve experienced some disturbing occurrences in my life, and I noticed that my dream state became much more active than I can ever remember. I’m even having the same dreams and similar dreams […]

Self-Health Habit #12:
Get More Sleep

Sleep is one of those things that most of us don’t get enough of. Though the restorative impact it has on our bodies is well known, I bet we don’t even know the half of it. The busyness of this time of year can be an arch enemy of slumber, so make sure you don’t […]

The Vanilla Queen:
An Entrepreneur Par Excellence

I recently wrote a fun blog post titled “Baking Better Cookies” in which I offered some healthier cookie recipes for my readers. Many (if not all of them) called for vanilla as one of the ingredients, but since I’m not one of those weekly cookie bakers, I was stunned when I shopped for a bottle […]

Health Isn’t Complicated

Parents, listen up! It’s no fun to watch your child deal with an illness—but be sure to think before you act. First, ask yourself: what is the condition, and what are the symptoms? Fever, sinus drainage, congestion, and lethargy are all symptoms that trigger the immune system to employ its defense mechanisms. They are perfectly […]

Homeopathy for Dummies:
The Fundamentals

In many of my articles I strive to cover alternative modalities that may provide a healing impact—or, sometimes, even an actual cure. However, I’m primarily trained as a nutritionist, and I’ve guided my clients on the basic human need to eat highly nutrient dense foods and augment what may be missing (even from good diets) […]

Self-Health Habit #11:
Make Self-Care a Priority

Quick! Grab your to-do list and tell me what’s on it. If you’re like most adult humans on the planet, you’ll rattle off rather mundane tasks: Balance the checkbook. Pick up dog food. Return library books. But have you jotted down any joyfully rejuvenating activities to take care of yourself? No? Let’s change that immediately. […]

All Veggie Meals—Twice A Week:
How They Can Prevent Serious Illness

It’s unfortunate that we live and learn rather than learn and live! This is exactly what I wrote about in my recent blog post “Visualize Total Healing.” I have since recognized that although there may be a genetic component to my serious health condition (glaucoma), the diagnosis nevertheless brought me to a new understanding of […]

5 Depression-Fighting Herbs

No one is left untouched when it comes to depression and anxiety. Even if it hasn’t affected you personally, chances are high that it will affect someone you know. In fact, evidence suggests that nearly all of us will have an issue with depression and/or anxiety at some stage in our lives. Knowing this, what […]

Visualize Total Healing:
What You Think Is What You Get!

As a naturalist, I’m always looking for ways to stay away from Western medicine, even if that means I have to be my own guinea pig out of fear of allopathic drugs and their side effects, which, as basic research shows, can be devastating. Additionally, ongoing visits to medical doctors often involve high copays and […]

Self-Health Habit #10:
Eliminate Refined Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

It’s impossible to talk about healthy habits without talking about the destructive nature of refined sugar. And if you think you’re off the hook because you switched to artificial sweeteners, think again. Zero- and low-calorie sweeteners, such as aspartame or saccharin, cause a whole other set of problems. It’s not that sweet foods, in and […]