Tag Archives: holistic nutrition

Exercise and Diet vs. Chronic Disease

“The evidence is overwhelming that physical activity and diet can reduce the risk of developing numerous chronic diseases…and in many cases, in fact, reverse existing disease.” This quote is from an amazing 2005 article published in the Journal of Applied Physiology titled “Effects of Exercise and Diet on Chronic Disease.” In it, authors Christian Roberts […]

Your Spine, Your Emotions:
Why Emotions Have Everything to Do with Your Spine

It is unfortunate that the average person knows very little about the intricate makeup of the spinal column and the vertebra. But if you incur a spinal injury, it can impact your health in many ways. Paralysis, numbness, and severe pain are just the tip of iceberg. Oh, and you can even die or be […]

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoid Hassles:
How to Naturally End the Annoyance

As a semiretired health practitioner, I was recently able to give one of my close friends the name of a symptom-relieving supplement that could ease the discomfort of her annoying varicose veins—a condition that started after the birth of her third child and got worse with each consecutive pregnancy. (While my friend was grateful for […]

Lifelong Learners Live Better

When something comes up in my world, I rarely think, Okay, so this is happening now. Let’s see what happens next. Nope, I want to know more. I want to have an idea of what to expect and try to outsmart it, if only a little bit. Of course, many things in life cannot be […]

You Are Using Nutritional Healing—Even If You Don’t Know It!

The hardest thing about being an alternative healthcare provider isn’t that the natural methods in use for thousands of years have been replaced by drugs and surgery—although that is definitely a bitter pill to swallow (pun intended). No, the hardest part is when people tell us with complete sincerity and certainty, “I don’t believe in […]

Fight Indoor Air Pollution with Nutrition

Whether we like it or not, most of us have been spending more time indoors lately. So it seems like the perfect occasion to consider the air inside your home—is it healthy, or could it use a little help? Indoor air quality can be impacted by a variety of dangers. Some of these we bring […]

Whipping Cream That’s Getting Old

Ask Chef Phyllis What can you tell me about whipping cream that I’ve already opened and has been in my fridge a little past its “best use” date? In this time of stay at home, I do not wish to waste anything. It smells fine, but it’s thicker than when I opened it. Can I […]

Staying Youthful Longer:
A New Approach to “Shape Your Face”

Who among us wouldn’t want to look more youthful or have a more beautiful smile? Well, maybe I’ve found a bit of the fountain of youth, and you can too in just a few easy steps. So let me introduce you to a product that can teach you some effective facial movement exercises. I will […]

Castor Oil Packs:
Amazing Healing Energy

I have known about castor oil packs for as long as I can remember, and I’ve used them from time to time. However, I never knew the real story of castor oil—until I encountered in my pile of new but unread health books a bright purple cover with a title that was just too intriguing […]

How to Supplement Positive Thinking

My friend Cheryl was recently diagnosed with cancer. She has undergone radiation treatment but is supplementing that with a boon of positive thinking. Cheryl sent me links to some podcasts and videos on the mind-body connection, and I listened to a doctor discuss how the power of positive thinking may be a factor in unexplained […]

Why Do I Have to Take All This Weird Stuff?

As healthcare practitioners, we know that most of our professional advancement comes as a result of tackling new challenges. For example, a patient with a new condition may challenge us to come up with a new approach. Sometimes, all it takes is a question from an inquisitive patient to lead us to communicate in a […]

Letters from the Quarantined:
Coronaphobia vs. the Immune System

It’s been great hearing from practitioners, friends, and staff during our quarantine. They’ve sent me emails containing bits of humor and intelligence that you might find useful, so I’m sending this out to everyone coping with confinement in the CoronaSphere (a term coined by Bill Whittle). Please enjoy with your morning coffee. There have been […]

It just GOT REAL:
Defeating the Monster of Immune Depression

For twenty years the entire raw milk community has been preaching about the immune system benefits of raw milk and raw dairy products. The FDA and CDC has suppressed us. Mainstream media has scorned us. Industry has done everything possible to make sure that raw milk is cut off in the markets, in the legislature, […]

The Party is Over—Time for Americans to Rebuild Their Health

I think it is important to see what is really happening in the real world of conscious people who know the critical importance of a healthy immune system and the gut biome. Clearly the FDA and CDC don’t. We all totally agree that social distancing and hand washing are important, but where is the CDC […]

The Egg Scare Continues!
Let’s Get the Facts Straight

For years, that boogey man cholesterol has been convincing many of us to never eat eggs, especially yolks. This phenomenon carries on even after many studies have come out assuring us that our fear of cholesterol is based on nothing more than a myth. Yes, the cholesterol myth still exists. After a recent and somewhat […]

The Safety of Modern Raw Milk

You will love this five-minute ABC News piece on Localish. Modern technology matched with pastures and the whole goodness of nature makes a great story. Raw milk is the first food of life for a reason. And it is not sterile! It builds immunity through gut biome biodiversity and the whole food that feeds the gut micro biome. The raw […]

Reclaiming the Lost Art of Nourishment

In this day and age of instant gratification, the art of truly nourishing our bodies has been lost. Rather than looking to food for its honest purpose—providing the fuel our bodies need to accomplish everything it must do each day—food is now just the stuff we consume to fill the void in our bellies. We […]