Tag Archives: holistic doctors

Vitamin Supplements: How Much Vs. What Kind

Today’s world of vitamin supplements is full of confusion and contradiction! For an example of what I mean, read this article I shared on Facebook. The article, about calcium and heart issues, made me realize once again that the emphasis of almost all vitamin research is placed on how much of any particular vitamin you […]

Check Out SRP’s New Blog and Sign up for the Weekly Blog Recap

At Selene River Press, we’re excited about our new website and our new blog. The SRP Blog is your new place to go to find out about important educational events, get luscious and healthy recipes, stay ahead with current nutrition news, read fascinating articles in the SRP Historical Archives, and find out valuable information in […]

The Benefits of Effective Liver Detoxification

One of the most powerful liver cleansers is the juice of the grass grown from wheat berries. The Causes of Toxicity The liver is an essential part of your body’s ability to neutralize and eliminate toxins. In this regard, it is like the oil filter in your car. Over time, several factors can make the […]

East Coast or West Coast? Which Way Should I Go?

The great thing about attending Weston A. Price Foundation conferences is they have them on both sides of the country this fall. If you can’t make their conference in the fall in Georgia, then we suggest you consider attending their Regional Conference, which will be held in Portland, Oregon, on September 21 and 22, 2013. […]

Herbs Are More Than Garnish…Just Ask Lee Carroll

When most people think of herbs, they think of flavorings and seasonings like sage, rosemary or…basil—that tastiest of tasty used in fresh tomato-based dishes. Sounds delicious, right? However, there is another side to herbs, long used for centuries around the world in healing generations of families for infections, tissue repair, wound care, and so much […]

Seminar: The Latest Advancements in Applied Clinical Nutrition

Hello, Billings, Montana! Selene River Press and Standard Process West are pleased to sponsor the seminar “The Latest Advancements in Applied Clinical Nutrition” by Michael Gaeta on June 15, 2013. Dr. Gaeta will be lecturing on the following topics: The Autoimmune Process, The Original B-Complex, Lifestyle Solutions, and much more. If you are a health […]