Tag Archives: healthy salads

Winter Citrus, Olive, and Red Onion Salad:
Brighten Up a Winter’s Day the Sun-Kissed, Seasonal Way

It’s always around mid-February that I start getting antsy for spring. Colorado is well-known for our interesting weather: hot and sunny one day and a winter storm the next. Just a few weeks back I spent a lovely afternoon in a tank top, soaking up the sun’s glowing warmth. I even put my feet in […]

Romaine Hearts with Persimmon, Prosciutto,
Pomegranate, and Crisp-Pickled Shallot:
Composing a Stunning Seasonal Salad

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it once more: I’m a salad girl through and through. There are few things I enjoy more than a carefully curated salad that honors the best flavors, textures, and colors of the season. Creating a work of art that will make a salad-lover out of even the staunchest […]

Quinoa Salad with Peaches, Corn, and Feta:
Celebrate Late Summer with a Picnic Friendly Side Dish

I don’t know about you, but I’m totally not ready for summer to be over. Here in Colorado, the kids have just started school, and though I look forward to returning to a semblance of routine and getting down to some personal and home projects once the craziness of the past season is behind us, […]

Safe Summertime Salads

Ask Chef Phyllis: Summer is nearly here, and I love cold, creamy, mayonnaise-based potato and macaroni salads when we go to the beach or on a picnic. But everyone says that it’s unsafe to keep them in a cooler for too long. Is this true? Do you have ideas that will make me feel better […]