Tag Archives: healthy recipes

Spice Cake to Live For!
Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, GAPS!

A long time ago—more than 20 years—I gave up wheat and gluten for health reasons. A few years later, I discovered the work of Weston A. Price and how using traditional cooking techniques such as lacto-fermentation can make food more easily digested by the body. My next level of learning was how I could use […]

Whipping Cream That’s Getting Old

Ask Chef Phyllis What can you tell me about whipping cream that I’ve already opened and has been in my fridge a little past its “best use” date? In this time of stay at home, I do not wish to waste anything. It smells fine, but it’s thicker than when I opened it. Can I […]

Sauerkraut! Now, More than Ever

Want to stay well—now and always? Eat your sauerkraut! Whether it is just another day in your neighborhood or you are in the middle of a health crisis, fermented cabbage is “health food extraordinaire.” Yep, the humble cabbage. If you know this already, I would hope that you eat sauerkraut (or some other fermented vegetable) […]

Pandemic Reflections and Quick Meals for
Canned Vegetables and Leftovers

I woke up Wednesday morning with the notion that all was well. But then in a New York minute, I remembered that I’m living through a pandemic—never before known by my generation or, for that matter, anyone I know. (My dad talked of the Great Depression, and to this day my memory of him hoarding […]

Turning Pantry Staples into Delicious Meals

This year of 2020 is a particularly difficult time in the world. Indeed, it’s a time of crisis. Just a few months ago, this hysterical news would have sounded like Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” did back in 1938. My friends, not knowing what the future holds touches all of us. We all need […]

A Simple Guide to the Art and Preparation of Paella

In a post from about six years ago, I wrote about feasting (and I do mean feasting) on paella at a restaurant called Trader Vic’s in Puerto Rico. It was a truly memorable and romantic evening in February. Back in early 1960s, many in-the-know New Yorkers would jet off to sunny Puerto Rico to escape […]

Supporting the Organs of Immunity:
The Terrain Is Everything

Louis Pasteur is credited with developing “the germ theory of disease” (which I loosely translate as “germs jump into bodies”). Yet many other researchers and scientists of the time, including Claude Bernard, focused their research on internal regulation and the importance of nutrition, among other things. These scientists expanded their focus beyond germs to consider the state […]

Hawaiian Oxtail Soup:
Welcome the Shift to Spring with a Light, Nourishing Dish

I have yet to visit Hawaii, though I’d love to someday. Between the volcanic landscapes, lush rainforests, and magnificent waterfalls—not to mention the truly unique culture and food—the islands have piqued my interest for many years. Traditional Hawaiian cuisine is a compelling fusion of tropical Polynesian and Asian flavors with a signature flair that entices […]

Lomo Saltado (Peruvian Beef Stir-Fry):
Fusion Cuisine at Its Finest

When it comes to food, I’m a fusion nut. I love pairings of unusual yet strangely harmonious flavors as much as I love marrying the tastes and techniques of different cultures. I credit much of this to my early obsession with sweet-salty pairings. (My favorite being cheese and honey sandwiches—a true delight that, to this […]

American Goulash for the Slow Cooker

Ask Chef Phyllis It seems like just yesterday it was New Year’s Day, but as I glance at the calendar, I see that we’re already at the end of February! Any time now, these slow, bitterly cold, never-enough-sunlight days will be coming to an end. However, though spring is just around the corner, winter is […]

Winter Citrus, Olive, and Red Onion Salad:
Brighten Up a Winter’s Day the Sun-Kissed, Seasonal Way

It’s always around mid-February that I start getting antsy for spring. Colorado is well-known for our interesting weather: hot and sunny one day and a winter storm the next. Just a few weeks back I spent a lovely afternoon in a tank top, soaking up the sun’s glowing warmth. I even put my feet in […]

Mexican Chori Pollo (Chorizo Chicken):
A Flavor-Packed Family Meal

As someone always looking for super simple ideas for putting a filling meal on the table—especially one that my whole family will eat and that’s tailored to their personal dietary quirks—I was surprised that I’d never come across chori pollo (chorizo chicken) until recently. Since then, it’s become one of my absolute new favorites. Chori […]

It’s About Time (for Carol Anne’s Warm Artichoke Dip)

Now that we’re already into the second month of 2020, perhaps it’s about time that I write one of my “that’s-the-makings-of-yet-another-post” post, as I’m fond of saying. (My regular readers surely know what I’m talking about—and any new readers will know soon enough!) There may be many of these over the coming year, but for […]

Slow Cooker Steak and Vegetable Pot Pie:
Homestyle Comfort Food Made Simple

In the last month or so of winter I start feeling a bit stagnant in my food creativity. Personally, I’m content to eat the same thing over and over until I get sick of it and move on to the next meal. But to ensure my family eats well, I like to mix it up […]

Lobster and Fingerling Potatoes, Carpaccio Style:
Reimagining an Italian Classic

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many of you may be mulling over how to celebrate with a special someone. I’m not into the overblown emphasis we put on the day, nor the need to spend uncanny amounts of money and effort on lavish gifts, fancy dinners, and overpriced flowers, which only places unnecessary […]

Grain-Free Stromboli with Ham, Havarti, and Pesto:
Super Snacks for the Big Game

I may not be an expert in football, but I sure know how to whip up some fantastic food to feed the fans. One thing I’ve always loved about game-day grub is how it often revolves around snacking—lots of easy, hand-held foods that keep me interested, regardless of the occasion. And few other sporting affairs […]

Curried Winter Squash Soup with Coconut Milk:
Soul-Warming Food for Chilly Winter Days

In Colorado we usually get to enjoy an abundance of sunshine even in the midst of winter. The ability to soak up some rays in January is a real treat, and it’s one of the many reasons I love living here. Irrespective, I also appreciate more typical winter weather. Sometimes, during a particularly mild or […]

Asian-Style Daikon Noodle Bowl with Gingered Pork Meatballs:
A Simple, Healthy Meal for the New Year

Happy January, everyone! I trust that you’ve all recovered from the bustling holiday season and are settling in to the new year and a slower pace of life. I’m one of those people who relishes January. After the first week is down, I feel rested and productive. Ready to take on the year ahead, I […]

Halibut and Other Seafood of the Pacific Northwest

Ask Chef Phyllis It’s the time of year that my husband goes fishing in British Columbia with his buddies. He comes home with great fish, but I’m tired of making and eating it the same old way. I usually dip it in pancake and beer batter and fry it. I’m thinking that deep-fat frying isn’t […]

Romaine Hearts with Persimmon, Prosciutto,
Pomegranate, and Crisp-Pickled Shallot:
Composing a Stunning Seasonal Salad

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it once more: I’m a salad girl through and through. There are few things I enjoy more than a carefully curated salad that honors the best flavors, textures, and colors of the season. Creating a work of art that will make a salad-lover out of even the staunchest […]