Tag Archives: healthy recipes

Grilled Butterflied Chicken with Herb Vinaigrette

In our house, it’s never too late to grill. Unless there’s two feet of snow on the ground, a miserable downpour, or a bitter wind, I’ve got at least a couple grill meals on rotation each week. One of my absolute favorites is grilled chicken pieces. I’m a crispy skin person to the point that […]

Slow-Braised Lamb Shanks with Rosemary, Tomato, Capers, and Olives

There’s something about a lamb shank that feels so primitive to me. Maybe it’s the protruding, handle-like bone that looks like a big club, but whenever I see a hefty, cooked shank, I always (hilariously) picture a caveman wrapped in mammoth fur with delicious meat juices running down his chin. No matter how hard you […]

Gingered Yam Soup with Cajun Chicken and Crème Fraiche

I’ve spent the past few years delving deep into my psyche, exploring patterns and my brain–body connection, and deciphering my present-day emotions, mindsets, triggers, etc., in relation to my past experiences. Basically, I’ve been trying to figure out why I do what I do and use that information to make my existence on this Earth […]

Grilled Green Tomato and Roasted Beet Caprese Salad with Herbed Goat Cheese

When it comes to vegetable gardening, few plants bring me as much joy as a variety of sweet tomatoes. Their lovely colors often grace my plate at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They’re one of those foods that almost no store-bought specimen will come close to in flavor. Toward the end of growing season, I’m often […]

Berry and Vanilla Cream Trifle

I grew up with a very British grandmother who felt no meal was ever complete without something sweet at the end (I assume this view was likely from both generational and regional influences). To her, dessert could be as simple as sliced fruit or as decadent as a dense chocolate mousse. But I always remember […]

Southern-Style “Sort of” Succotash: Success Secret and Healing Benefit

I’m sure some of you may be wondering why I call this dish “sort of” succotash. In my house, we just call it succotash, but I added this disclaimer purely so that the succotash purists will give the recipe a try. It’s “sort of” succotash because I omit one ingredient crucial to true succotash: lima […]

Sweet Potato Salad with Tangy Buttermilk-Chipotle Dressing

My daughter started school today, which I guess means summer is officially over, at least in Colorado. Back home in BC, we always started school the Tuesday after Labor Day—a concept that makes sense to me. And because of that, I still refuse to admit summer is over until that first long weekend in September. […]

Seafood Chowder with Bacon and Dill

I can’t believe I’m writing a chowder post in August. But here we are, on our second week of almost daily downpours (not just passing monsoon summer thunderstorms, but rain showers as regular as clockwork) and it feels like autumn. Though my tomatoes are likely screaming for respite, I’m actually enjoying the weather. Must be […]

Chorizo–Zucchini Frittata

It’s that time of year again: when many families increase our efforts to squeeze every last drop of summertime in before the new school season starts. It happens every year for many of us—this “Holy cow! What happened to summer and how did it fly by so fast?!” thing—yet for some reason, this year, the […]

Grilled Steak with Thai Basil Pesto and Cucumber-Snow Pea Salad

As I write this, it’s a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning. I’m in the tail end of my vacation hangover (you know, that somewhat blurred period between “responsibility-free” and “real life”) and in the midst of the subsequent lapse of time, space, memory, routine, and full brain function. The trip back home to British Columbia was […]

Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Muffins

I’m writing this article from a little breakfast nook, cup of tea in hand, at my mum’s house back in British Columbia. Finally starting to settle in and regain my energy—and sanity!—after the long, arduous journey, including sixteen hours of delays and rerouting from cars to planes to ferries. A challenging situation for any average […]

Warm Grilled Vegetable Salad with Balsamic Dressing and Feta

It’s hot. Damn hot. Oh, and did I mention I have no air conditioning?! Yeah… In scorching weeks like these—if I have an appetite at all—I take as much of my cooking out to my deck as I can manage. To avoid my oven or stovetop, I’ll try pretty much anything on the grill: whole […]

Beef Carpaccio with Fried Capers, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and Parmesan Crisps

In the thick of the hot summer months, my appetite declines drastically. It’s not just that I don’t eat as much, but what I want to eat changes as well. Unsurprisingly, I don’t crave heavy, hearty foods like slow cooked winter stews, but I do hunger for juicy, ripe fruit and crisp garden produce. Perhaps […]

Buckwheat & Buckwheat Leaf: The Ingredient in Buckwheat that May Prevent a Stroke

There’s no doubt that we’re all somewhat familiar with buckwheat, and many relish one particular aspect about it: yes, buckwheat is gluten-free! I frequently talk with people who tell me they can’t eat grains because they’re now “gluten-free.” They’ve become part of what I now playfully call the gluten-free craze, and I often refer them […]

Asparagus Flan

Summer is in full swing now, and the days are filled with activity. We often have guests around this time of year, which presents us with lots of opportunities for last-minute entertaining. Easy yet classy dishes that can be whipped up on short notice are always welcome. With that said, I like to keep discs […]

Sauces of Summer

Summer is the time to pick, prepare, grill, and/or just gobble up raw all kinds of luscious, fresh foods. And we’re right in the thick of it, my friends. This is the perfect time to make some simple changes to your nutrition routine—and love every bite of it—with a few uncomplicated sauces of summer that […]

Spiced Whole Grain Almond Biscotti with Aniseed and Cardamom

I have a confession to make: I have a hard time truly relaxing without feeling guilty about it. I’m ambitious, and I have many shoes to fill as a single mother with a household and business to attend to (not to mention my own personal hobbies and needs). Frequently, I feel like I just don’t […]

Butter Burgers

Many moons ago, back at the turn of the century (man, that sounds totally weird!), I spent a few years in Calgary managing a cake shop in a trendy neighborhood. My boss had lots of friends in high places, which opened doors to some interesting connections for me. One opportunity that stands out from the […]

Blackened Swordfish Skewers with Pineapple, Jicama, and Coconut Salad

Many years ago, I worked at a small, family-owned bakery since childhood, and I remember a very interesting coworker named Alan. Whenever someone would claim that summer solstice was the first day of summer, Alan would correct them with a theory of his. To this day, I’ve never heard it discussed outside of those bakery […]

Ham, Parsnip, and Sauerkraut Fritters

I love a nice, fresh ham roast, with its addictive crackling skin and succulent, briny flavor. For some reason, ham seems mostly reserved for holidays and special occasions. Yet I could easily eat them more often. And I would, if the small size of my family could support the sheer size of such a meal […]