Tag Archives: health goals

Let’s Make 2020 the Year of Seeing Things Clearly

There was once a time when the year 2020 sounded incredibly futuristic. We’d never reach it—but if we did, there’s no way we’d look at our daily lives the same way in 2020 as we did back then. Surely, everything would be different. Right? Yet we’re just a few days into this visionary year and […]

Health-Boosting New Year’s Resolutions for 2019

There’s something very promising and positive about New Year’s resolutions, those goals we make for ourselves and for our loved ones. We do our best to keep them, even though we often don’t succeed. Here are some common resolutions we make to improve our health, along with some tips for accomplishing them. Keep a Journal […]

Declare Your Health Independence

Independence Day—the day we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress back on July 4, 1776. My challenge to you is to make July 4, 2017, be the day you declare your health independence. Health independence simply means taking personal responsibility for your health. We’re not talking about the […]