Tag Archives: GAPS

Beet Kvass and Cabbage Tonic:
Which, When?

It seems that the simplest things are often the most powerful. Tonics—beverages that help “tone” the body or specific systems of the body over time—are a great example. Simple and made from humble ingredients like beets and cabbage, they can be nutritional powerhouses. Beet kvass and cabbage tonic are both used in the Gut and […]

Fermented Clown’s Treacle:
A Delicious and Potent Year-Round Remedy

“Clown’s treacle.” Surely you’ve heard of it? If not, it’s still likely that you have some in your kitchen right now. According to The Spice and Herb Bible by Ian Hemphill, clown’s treacle (also called “poor man’s treacle”) are both old-time names for garlic. Treacle was first used in the 14th century as an antidote […]

Staying Well During Flu Season:
Meat Stock to the Rescue

The weather is turning cooler, and winter is officially just around the corner. As the temperature drops, many of us start craving foods and beverages that are warming, both in temperature and in spice. We trade in our iced tea for hot, spicy chai and swap our cold salads with warming soups, stews, and stocks. […]

Eat Your Weeds!

What is a weed anyway? A weed is defined as “a valueless plant growing wild.” (I am not sure that any plant is “valueless,” but that may be a conversation for another time.) Value aside, weeds are generally thought of as undesirable plants. That means they often happen to be in the wrong place, such […]

Flu? Stomach Bug? Stage 1 of the GAPS Diet to the Rescue!

‘Tis the holiday season. Unfortunately, ’tis also flu and stomach bug season. But have no fear, for the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet is here. Should your tummy feel queasy and uneasy this holiday season, or any other time of year, it’s back to Stage 1 of GAPS. The diet is easy to do, […]