Tag Archives: food rights

Raw Milk Battle Royale

The battle for raw milk is on! Bills to legalize or expand raw milk sales are pending in thirteen state legislatures. Is your state on the list? Find out at the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund website. You can also find out where the issue of raw milk stands in your state by visiting the Real […]

The Fat Truth

Finally, the truth about fat. You can have your bacon and eat it, too: “The Questionable Link Between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease.” Good thing we’ve been listening to Dr. Royal Lee. Listen for yourself: Eat Animal Fats, Lose Weight: 1964 https://www.seleneriverpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Eat-Animal-Fats_Lose-Weight_1964.mp3 Photo from iStock/Demid

Support The Food School

Selene River Press proudly supports The Food School at Common Ground Urban Farm, a nonprofit advocate of real food, local food systems, food justice, and agricultural education for kids. Here’s your chance to support a worthy cause! Come enjoy live music from Fort Collins’ own Grateful Dead tribute band Switchman Sleepin’ while you  help raise […]

Don’t Be a Food Label Fool

Are you a fool when it comes to food labels? You’re not alone. The way the food industry twists label definitions with tricky language on food packaging makes all of us look foolish when we walk down the aisles of our local market. We make personal choices to eat natural, wholesome, and nourishing foods. But […]

Food Wars Underway

Do you think government-subsidized medicine is a new and enlightened development in our country? As the freedom for Americans to make their own health care decisions disappears into the dungeons of government bureaucracy, along with the doctors’ freedom to chose the best treatment for their patients, do you think it’s high time that we took […]

Dinner with the “Lunatic Farmer”

Joel Salatin, prolific writer and owner of Polyface Farms in Virginia, will be in Masonville at Sunrise Ranch on September 13, 2013, to speak at a fund-raising event for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Sponsored by the Fort Collins Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Farm-to-Table Culinary Academy at Sunrise Ranch, this […]

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal

Joel Salatin wants to give curious young apprentices hands-on training with the animals at his farm. He wants to sell his neighbor’s pickles and salsa along with his own fresh meat and dairy products. He wants to give educational tours of his farm to classes of young students. Mostly, he wants to empower Americans to […]

Stand with Your Farmer

Food is always in the news because our fight to protect our right to good food is alive and well. And that fight is on 24/7 because of government overreach and overregulation. Imagine people who are willing to work hard on the land and in the barn every day to bring superior nutrition to your […]

Heroes of Individual Food Rights Unite!

Has anyone noticed the growth of government lately? Did you ever think you’d be looking over your shoulder just for making personal food choices? You are free to buy cigarettes that the Surgeon General plasters with health warnings on the top 50 percent of both the front and rear panels of each cigarette package. Yes, […]

God Bless the Italians!

It is finally happening: A four-decade ban on importing salumi from certain locales in Italy will end on May 28, 2013. Salumi is, of course, the name for Italian dried cured meats, most of them raw. This means enzymes in the meat, instead of being destroyed by heat, can break down proteins over months into a variety […]