Tag Archives: cardiovascular health

Surprising Things Your Body Can Tell You About Your Heart

Our bodies are amazing. Each part serves a specific purpose, but they also work together to give us signals when something isn’t quite right. Since February is all about the heart, here are some surprising things the rest of your body can tell you about your heart——and what you can do to diminish your risk […]

Eat to Your Heart’s Content

A content heart is one that you take care of on all levels. You recognize and deal with your emotions in a constructive way. You engage in physical activity to get your heart pumping so often that it’s a common occurrence. And last but absolutely not least, you give it all of the nutrients it […]

A Different Kind of Exercise for Heart Health and Beyond

Was one of your resolutions this year to become more physically fit? It was for me. You haven’t fallen off your resolution wagon, have you? I know I haven’t, and we’ll assume you still have the drive and desire to achieve what you set out to do too. We’ve got this. As you get into […]

Interesting Facts About Donating Blood

A few years back I started donating blood on a regular basis. The main reason why goes back to a memory of my mom coming home with a sticker on her shirt. It read something along the lines of: Be kind to me. I donated blood today. I don’t remember her talking about it, but […]