Tag Archives: backyard farming

How Container Herbs Will Boost Your Nutrition

Did you know that herbs can do so much more than just enhance the aroma or flavor of your favorite recipes? They’re also loaded with nutrients. You can add herbs to your favorite salads, soups, and other dishes to reap the yummy benefits of fats, essential oils, fiber, sterols, minerals, and vitamins. If you want […]

Synthetically Modified Food—Another Reason to Worry?

GMO corn

A lot of people are freaking out about GMOs—and for good reason. The public has been lied to many times regarding food safety, so it’s no surprise we’re paranoid. How can we overlook mistakes like this old ad: “DDT is good for me-e-e!” While the GMO debate rages, now there’s a new kid on the […]

The Honeybee Queen

The honeybee is an amazingly popular topic of conversation among the general public these days—even starring on the cover of Time magazine in 2013. No one is more acutely aware of this than beekeepers like myself. In any given audience, all I have to do is mention I’m a beekeeper, and I’m pretty much guaranteed […]

Common Sense Reasons to Eat Organic Food

One of most heated debates about food these days is whether or not organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown. No matter what side of the fence you’re on, it’s easy to find a study that will support your perspective. In my mind, there are some basic, common-sense reasons why we should eat as […]

Beekeepers Need a Living Wage

Don Studinski works the bees for customer Jamie Ngo. This colony is called Sugarloaf 13. Jamie pays an annual pollination fee which helps keep the beekeeper alive. (Photo by Jamie Ngo) I love my fellow beekeepers. Of course we disagree on small, unimportant details, but overall this is a wonderful bunch of people whose hearts […]

The Art of Companion Planting

Carrots love tomatoes, and roses love garlic. Much like humans, plants like to be around other plants they love: their companions. Companion planting is the practice of designing the layout of your crops so that two or more vegetables, herbs, or flowers with beneficial characteristics grow close together. And it’s pretty amazing! Beneficial characteristics include […]

It’s Time to Get Dirty

Discover the joys of self-reliance! As concerns about food safety grow, more and more people are turning to self-sufficiency. For some, it’s about their yearning for a deeper connection with the land, one like their grandparents had. Others just enjoy backyard farming as a hobby. If you’d like to turn your backyard into an oasis […]