Supporting the Joints of the Body

Enjoy the latest installment of Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Good to Know” series for practitioners.

As a chiropractor, I’ve spent my professional career taking care of the joints of the body. I’m so thankful to my mentors, George Goodheart and Scott Walker, who asked the important questions: “Why didn’t this adjustment hold?” and “Why didn’t it fix the problem?” Seeking out answers to these questions helped them find more effective solutions. Their inquiries led them to incorporate knowledge they found in applied nutrition, homeopathy, herbal remedies, and emotional support. And as a result of their efforts, they were able to provide improved structural support and more effective results for the patient.

Supplements for Bone Support

What supplements help with joint support? And why? My favorite supplement for this issue is Trace Minerals-B12 from Standard Process because it has lots of manganese. Remember that manganese strengthens the ligaments and tendons and also helps support the endocrine system. This should be the first supplement that a chiropractor checks their patients for. You can muscle-test the trace minerals point, located in the middle of the left side of the neck. Another option is to use the simple but very accurate leg-length check.

Along these same lines, Ligaplex I and Ligaplex II are also designed for ligament support. Use the leg-length check to determine which supplement will be most effective. Of the two, Ligaplex I contains more manganese.

For chronic joints issues and degeneration, make sure you use Ostrophin PMG, which contains the DNA of bone tissue. Biost is also great for fibrocartilaginous tissues. In the Product Bulletins, Dr. Royal Lee recommends Biost ­­for “lack of motility (stooped posture and gait, ligament and tendon disorders).”

Lastly, Myo-Plus and Cardio-Plus are both formulated to support all muscles as well as the heart. They have the same ingredients—the only difference is the label name change.

Patients with chronic joint and muscle issues may need a combination of these supplements. To narrow the products down, you can leg check the products together and decide the best protocol. As far as dosage, I would start with 6 per day for any of the above products and see what results you get!

Trace Minerals-B12: The myriad enzyme systems throughout the body are dependent upon the presence of these trace minerals. As modern agricultural practices have seriously depleted trace minerals from the soil, our foods are increasingly deficient of them.

Ligaplex I: Ligaplex I is a Special Formula Product from Standard Process, which means it was designed through the experience and clinical application of the many doctors who regularly dispense SP products in their practices. Although many were introduced in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the base products have a proven clinical efficacy dating all the way back to the 1930s. They are the collective wisdom of years of clinical trials consisting of five or six base products used synergistically to support a condition or symptoms of nutritional deficiencies. They improve compliance and ease of application because the patient can take one product in lieu of five or six.

Consider Ligaplex I the first option for an acute strain or sprain. Also recommended as part of a fortification protocol for individuals involved in any type of strenuous physical activity. Deficiencies of manganese in the diet lead to weak muscles, softer bone, and ligament weakness. Whole vitamin E complex (Cataplex E) is specific for tissue repair, especially connective tissue. The inclusion of Ostrophin PMG in Ligaplex I is to further support connective tissue repair and bone/joint injuries. The final portion of this formula is Cataplex A-C-P (a combination of equal amounts of Cataplex A, Cataplex C, and Cyruta Plus). Cataplex A-C-P is beneficial for soft tissues, and it is often helpful if swelling and inflammation is present. Black Currant Seed Oil and Zymex II should also be considered for inflammation and tissue repair.

Ligaplex II: An important product in the repair of muscle, chronic degenerative joint problems, and disc herniations. Also beneficial for geriatric and degenerative processes. Dr. Royal Lee, Dr. Melvin Page, and Dr. Frances Pottenger Jr., among others, demonstrated that arthritis and degenerative conditions are malnutrition problems. Overcooked foods play a role in these conditions (which Dr. Pottenger called “cooked food disease”).  Much broader in scope compared to Ligaplex I. Contains Cyro-Yeast to enhance absorption of nutrients as well as Cardiotrophin PMG and Super-EFF to support repair and rebuilding of muscle. Should the patient exhibit any sign of inflammation or have an acute exacerbation of a chronic degenerative condition, consider the addition of Cataplex A-C-P, Black Currant Seed Oil, and Zymex II. In cases of tendinitis, also consider the addition of Cal-Amo.

Ostrophin PMG: Bone protomorphogen (so named for “osseous tissues”) provides a blueprint for regrowth. The bone is not a static organ—the marrow manufactures antibodies as well as white and red blood cells. Bones provide the skeletal structure for the body. Ostrophin helps promote bone fracture repair and recalcification in dental disease and osteoporosis. Increases the toughness of supporting tissues under dentures for those who have difficulty with sore mouth. It may be a useful product where enough calcium, phosphorous, and proteins are being supplied in the diet but are not being used correctly by the body.

Biost: For osteoporosis, use Biost with Cal-Ma Plus. Supports bone, tooth, and related tissue as well as bone determinants. A source of phosphatase for calcium assimilation and bone PMG. (Formerly Ostogen Tablets.)

Cardio-Plus: Specific for cardiac support, supports nerve, muscles, and overall cardiovascular maintenance. Great all-natural source of coenzyme Q10. Cardio-Plus is outlined further in The Product Bulletins and the Therapeutic Food Manual under the heart section. This information would revolutionize cardio/vascular treatment if taught in medical schools. Of particular note is the Cataplex E2 (phospholipid) component of this product, which conserves tissue oxygen. Used successfully to support the 1991 American Everest Expedition and the 1995 American Karakoram Expedition, with excellent reports relating to hypoxic conditions from both the expedition medical doctor and leader.

Myo-Plus: Provides nutrients that support healthy muscle tissue rebuilding and repair. The name “Myo-Plus” has psychological advantages for patients who need muscle PMG support without any heart-related conditions.

Image from iStock/wutwhanfoto (main), post image from SRP. 

Dr. Lowell Keppel

Dr. Keppel received a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1983, following an associate degree in science from Southwestern Michigan Community College. He became certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique in 1999, having studied directly under the program’s founder, Dr. Scott Walker. He has undertaken a variety of further training, including herbology, spinal rehabilitation, and ongoing nutritional education.

Dr. Keppel knows there is always some seminar, book or journal that might deepen his knowledge or contribute one more bit of information that he can directly translate into an effective treatment. He gives sound advice from the perspective of clinical experience and years of practice.

More recently, Dr. Keppel has been teaching seminars for Standard Process West. He has become their in-house chiropractor and is recognized as a mentor for other practitioners throughout the greater Denver area.

For more information, visit his website at, check out his YouTube channel, or contact him directly at

Products by Dr. Lowell Keppel

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