Spiced Swordfish Kebabs with Greek Salad

The days are finally here where garden-fresh tomatoes are beginning to grace our tables. There really is nothing like that first luscious fruit plucked from the plant, still warm from the sun and bursting with intense flavor. It’s the time of year where I practically live off versions of this salad and BLTs.

By adding the swordfish, this becomes a protein-packed meal rich in vitamin D that’s satisfying and filling but refreshing enough to not weigh you down on a hot evening. The fish takes well to the assertive spice rub and is extremely complementary to the crisp vegetables, tangy feta, and briny olives. The rub also works with other firm, meaty fish, such as salmon, but is also delicious with chicken, beef, or lamb.

If you don’t have at least one tomato plant you tend to, try visiting your local farmer’s markets, as the flavor of most store-bought varieties pales in comparison. Keep your eye out for different heirloom varieties. The assorted colors and flavors will make the salad even more exceptional and nutritious.


Serves 4
Swordfish and Marinade
24 oz. swordfish, trimmed of skin and gristle, cut in 1-inch cubes
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
2 cloves garlic, minced

Greek Salad
1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
2 bell peppers, diced in large chunks
1 large or 2 small cucumbers, diced in large cubes
4–6 tomatoes, depending on size, diced in large cubes or wedges
4 oz. feta cheese, crumbled
1/2 cup chopped kalamata olives
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/3 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste


Trim swordfish from skin, and cut away any sinew or gristle. Dice in large, 1-inch cubes. Combine remaining marinade ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Toss swordfish in marinade, and let sit in refrigerator for 30 minutes, if possible.

Prepare salad by adding all vegetables and herbs to a large bowl. Toss with olive oil and vinegar, and season with salt and pepper, adjusting quantities to your liking.

Meanwhile, preheat the grill to high. Thread marinated swordfish onto bamboo or stainless steel skewers. Grill over high heat, covered, until browned on all sides and just cooked through, about 7–8 minutes.

Serve swordfish over salad.


To choose your organically grown and fresh ingredients wisely, use the following criteria:
·chemical-  and hormone-free meat
·wild-caught fish
·pastured-raised, organic eggs
·whole, unrefined grains
·virgin, unrefined, first-press organic oils
·whole-food, unrefined sweeteners
·pure, clean, spring water
·sea salt
·raw and/or cultured milk and cream products

Briana Goodall, CPC

Briana Goodall is Chef and Owner of Green Cuisine Personal Chef Service. Visit her website at www.mygreencuisine.com.

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