Mark Anderson Webinar Trio: Focused Interests



Recent nutritional breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School rediscover exactly what Dr. Royal Lee taught 65 years earlier. Harvard takes all the credit, of course, but we provide proof of the real timeline of discovery plus the more than half-century head start on actual first-hand experience with the stroke/nutrition connection.


Special Recent Heart Cases follows several clients who serve as examples for the commonly overlooked causes and solutions of cardiovascular conditions. Phonocardiography and the science of auscultation are used to drill down to the natural causes with their natural resolutions of health problems. Learning through real examples provides a structure for investigation and discovery.


The fact that the first vitamin ever named, RETINOL aka VITAMIN A (1909), was named after the retina of the eye should have pointed doctors in the right direction for eye health, but alas… This webinar explores documented peer-reviewed natural nutritional facts related to the health, healing, and maintenance of this most sophisticated organ, the eye.

This bundle includes the following Webinar Wednesday Topics:

Stroke, Special Recent Heart Cases, and Aging Eyes.

If you enjoy this trio, you can access over 80 hours of fascinating Webinar Wednesday topics through an annual subscription to Mark Anderson’s Webinar Wednesdays. If you purchase this trio and decide you’d like to upgrade to the annual subscription for even more amazing Webinar Wednesdays, we’ll give you a $75 coupon good toward your purchase price.

Also available: monthly subscriptions starting at $40 which provide access to the most recent Webinar Wednesday topic for both live viewing and replay. The webinar subscription is for licensed health care professionals only.

Format: Streaming Video with Downloadable PDF Notes
Running Time: 3.5 hours (3 separate videos)
Author: Mark R. Anderson