Attention health practitioners: This colorful, laminated chart makes a fantastic patient teaching tool!
When it comes to sleep, many Americans are missing out, and it’s messing with their health.
Nearly one-third of the U.S. population gets fewer than seven hours of shuteye a night. Such little sleep is associated with problems ranging from the expected—exhaustion, mental distress, poor cognitive function—to more surprising consequences, such as increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
It gets worse. Many people who do get at least seven hours of sleep complain that the quality of their sleep is not good. Racing thoughts, frequent trips to the bathroom, nightmares, and waking for no apparent reason at all are just some of the frustrations keeping America up at night.
Fortunately, it’s never too late to sleep like a baby!
So says chiropractor and nutritional therapist Dr. Lowell Keppel. Drawing on years of clinical practice, Dr. Keppel has created this handy laminated chart to help sleuth out solutions to sleeplessness. It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Like a Baby shows that sleep deprivation, like so many modern disorders, is often rooted in poor nutrition.
Is an overactive mind keeping you up? That’s likely a mineral deficiency, Dr. Keppel says. Ask your practitioner for some naturally calming Organically Bound Minerals by Standard Process to settle you down.
Are you getting up all night to go to the bathroom? You might need to tone up the nerves to your bladder with a complete, food-based B vitamin supplement.
Nightmares waking you up? It could be erratic neuroelectric activity. A-C Carbamide from Standard Process, featuring a unique combination of vitamin A, vitamin C, and carbamide, might be just the thing to smooth things out.
Other useful tips in the chart include eliminating sugar or alcohol in the hours before bed, shutting off all electronics completely before you hit the sheets, and keeping your bedroom nice and dark while you sleep.
Whether you’re looking to increase the quantity of your sleep or the quality—or both—It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Like a Baby is your customized road map to a good night’s rest.
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