This newly revised and expanded edition of Gut and Psychology Syndrome includes 100 additional pages of information. Dr. Campbell-McBride explores the relationship between disorders in the gut and medical conditions that have baffled doctors for years, including autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and schizophrenia. The author shows how all of these conditions are linked inextricably to a deficiency in gut and intestinal flora, grouped generally under the term Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS).
While Campbell-McBride’s writing reflects her training as a medical doctor, it also bespeaks the warmth and compassion of a parent whose child suffers from autism. Through sometimes whimsical metaphors and illustrations, she describes the function of the digestive system and its critical importance to immune and brain function in terms all readers can understand. She also provides hope for parents and caretakers of those who suffer from GAPS by providing advice on nutritional therapy and resources for further study. Medical professionals and lay readers alike will learn a great deal from this book.
Editor’s Note: This text discusses the benefits and possible dangers of dairy products and stresses the importance of choosing organic foods. It does not, however, mention the critical differences between raw and pasteurized dairy products. Pasteurization damages many of the enzymes and healthful bacteria in milk, which aid its proper digestion and absorption, making raw milk and other dairy products much more beneficial than their processed alternatives.
From Amazon Customer Reviews:
“We started on the GAPS diet as a family about 2 weeks ago and already are noticing big changes in our overall health and some specific areas. Within a week, my son’s eczema and acid reflux disappeared. My skin cleared up as well and I am less sensitive to several foods. My daughters’ behavior is somewhat calmer and she will look me in the eyes again when I am talking to her. Thank you Dr. Natasha!”
—Rebekah Watkinson
“Author very persuasive with her argument. Completely changed my view on healthy eating. Best health book I’ve read in over 20 years of alternative health research.”
—Robert K. Ireland “Kim Ireland”
“Anyone who wants to know what may cause autism, should read this book. It explains why there is a growing concern in children today. Campbell-McBride says if you destroy the microvilli in the gastrointestinal tract, nutrients are not absorbed properly, but toxins are leading to damage to the brain and immune system. After reading this book you will be able to make better choices of what you eat and determine that it is the foods we eat that can determine the diseases we acquire.”
—Vietnam 1968
“My daughter was born very ill and despite countless specialists, we couldn’t do much to get her out of pain and give her quality of life. We were in a precarious position where she had reacted severely to almost all food that we had given her. I was very fortunate to discover GAPS when she was still an infant and we slowly worked to transition her to GAPS. We saw some immediate improvements (reflux stopped and she began to eat again, for instance) and some took much longer (achieving normal bowel movements, healing eczema). I can’t recommend GAPS highly enough. It changed our lives and the way we eat and view food.”
—Elizabeth DeMar
“I have battled with severe leaky gut that has caused arthritis, acne, asthma, eczema, poor energy, weight gain, pain, bloody stools, etc, etc, etc. I have faithfully tried paleo, vegan, raw vegan, vegetarian, low fat, juicing and many more healing diets. Always wondering why won’t any of these help my body? I have found the answer! This diet is healing me quickly! So many of my symptoms are ending. I am so thankful for Dr. Mcbride!!! Thank you thank you thank you to her and her dedication and research.”
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