Natural vs. Synthetic, Life vs. Death, Truth vs. the Lie
- Written by Dr. Richard P. Murray
- Retails for $5
In this powerful booklet, Dr. Richard P. Murray explains in detail what Dr. Royal Lee and other pioneering nutritionists tried to tell the world: only vitamins as they’re found in food can nourish the body. This is an incredible tool for all doctors and health professionals who want to help their patients understand the all-important difference between synthetic and real-food therapies.
The Triad: Dr. Royal Lee and the Immune System
- Presented by Mark R. Anderson
- 2 CDs and 1 CD-ROM
- Includes PDF files of all handouts and references from the lecture
- Retails for $30
Anderson discusses and teaches the use of the 3 critical supplements that Dr. Lee created for support of the immune system. And he demonstrates that Dr. Lee’s conclusions are independently and repeatedly validated at the highest level of medical research.
The Autoimmune Process and Reaction: Cause/Effect/Correction
- By Mark R. Anderson
- 6-CD set
- Retails for $39.99–$59.99
Autoimmune diseases have been found in virtually every organ system in the body. Yet to this day, they remain a virtual mystery to modern medicine – despite the fact that as early as the late 1940s, Dr. Lee recognized, wrote about, and taught that the autoimmune reaction is an inevitable process in late stage progression of every degenerating condition. Before the autoimmune lexicon entered medical vocabulary, Lee’s 60-year head start recognizing this process gave him ample opportunity to understand its intrinsic nutritional component as well as adjunctive approaches that could staunch this devastating yet natural response of the body.
An Introduction to Protomorphology
- By Dr. Royal Lee
- Retails for $5.95
Dr. Royal Lee, in perhaps his most farsighted discovery, deduced in the 1940s that damage resulting from nutritional starvation of an organ within an individual causes an allergic reaction to the organ’s tissue through production of antibodies to the tissue’s proteins. The result is what is commonly referred to today as autoimmune disease. Though virtually unrecognized by Lee’s contemporaries and still a mystery to science today, the cause of autoimmune disorder is laid out in startlingly obvious fashion in this introduction to Lee’s brilliant theory.
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