Royal Principles:

The Oxford Dictionary states that war is “ …armed hostilities; a specific conflict of fighting.” We are always fighting for survival in our human bodies, fighting the wars going on within that seem to be trying to take us out, trying to keep us from our destiny and purpose.

This war starts very early, even prior to our conception with the mother’s health. The mother’s immune system is designed to protect her body and provide adaptive care and protection for the developing fetus. Its basic function is in identifying which cells are her own and which cells are foreign. We have an innate or natural immunity that works as a first line defense against foreign invaders, infection, toxic chemicals, as well as exposure to toxic emotions. Our body also has an adaptive or acquired immunity that activates our T and B cells that produce antibodies to identify foreign intruders. During pregnancy your innate immune system goes to work in protecting the developing fetus by production of the cervical mucus plug, thus sealing the fetus in the uterus from attack from the outside world. We are sealed in the womb, protected, and empowered in a peaceful womb of life.

For the fetus, the womb is the essence of life itself, where life is created, nurtured, and every detail displays the work of the Master. Also, at this same time, your adaptive immunity decreases when the embryo implants into the uterine wall to prevent your own immune system from attacking and waring against your future child hidden in the deep recesses of the womb. Empowered and endowed with innate wisdom, the mother’s body nurtures, protects, and infuses the sustaining life force and wisdom into the fetus, guaranteeing the development of a healthy human being.

It is vital for mother and baby’s health and development, and for the future labor, that both are physically strong. The greatest potential to ensure the building of a strong and sturdy structure is the materials used in construction. Remember we are in a war for survival, and for our bodies and babies to survive we must provide the protective materials and build our defensive capabilities.

First of all, how can one prepare to ensure health to mother and baby? You both need more energy to accomplish and endure all the work required. Thus, your heart is loaded with extra demands and this in turn affects the circulation that carries nutrition to the baby. This is where Standard Process (SP) Cataplex B-Core shores up the heart and endurance. During labor your body is going through a high-intensity work out and, just like running a marathon, if your heart can’t pump the blood to the uterine muscle, it cramps up, labor stops, and a C-section takes place.

SP B-Core is a must for many critical developmental processes. Along with SP Ferrofood and Folic Acid B12, for the rapid growth of healthy cellular replication, the B complex is vital to the central nervous system and the brain. In fact, the highest concentration of B vitamins is in the brain. Electrical conductivity is formed and controlled by the B vitamins.

SP Cataplex A is needed because the vitamin A complex is necessary for converting cholesterol into sex hormones. A loss of vitamin A results in hormonal disruption, fibroid tumors, and endocrine disruption as seen with endometriosis. The A complex is vital for prenatal pre-conception health to promote implantation into the uterine wall. Your cells and the cells of the baby, to function in their developmental formation, need the essential amino acid pattern that SP Protefood provides in support of cellular structural formation.

“Labor,” as my wife described it with her three deliveries, “is like a war where courage and strength are required to come out victorious.” Thyroid hormones activate metabolic regulatory functions in both the mother and the rapidly developing baby. Support these functions with SP Iodomere. Also required are healthy adrenal glands. Both mother’s and baby’s adrenals are involved with labor. When both are strong, there will be strong and consistent contractions and a strong fetal heartbeat. The fetal adrenals produce substrates or enzymes for the production of estrogen in the placenta to ensure the pregnancy proceeds through all the developmental stages and insures a healthy delivery. Provide SP Cataplex C and Whole Desiccated Adrenal for support of this endowed process.

Last of all, support the uterus, the womb-of-life, protector and source of nourishment, with SP Wheat Germ Oil Perles to strengthen uterine tissue. Wheat germ oil has been cited extensively as being protective against miscarriage aka spontaneous abortion. For pre-conception with a history of miscarriage and menstrual irregularities, add SP Utrophin PMG along with Wheat Germ Oil Perles.

It is a fact that we are created in and walk through a world where there is a constant war for our survival. The truth is that we have to choose life or death; sickness or health. This is the truth of living in and up to our greatest potential. With knowing the truths of health and the causes of health we are then empowered and endowed to live in the greatest health possible in the midst of war and peace.

“Truth will ultimately prevail where pains is taken to bring it to light.”
George Washington

Images from iStock/arvitalya (main), Floris Verweij (woman in the garden), janulla (pregnant woman). 

Dr. Michael Dority

DR. MICHAEL DORITY, now retired from his 44 years of chiropractic practice in Nebraska, credits his professional success to supporting the patient’s nervous system with whole foods, whole food supplements, and patient education. He has contributed to the health and well-being of many grateful families over the years. You can find Dr. Dority’s patient education posters here at Selene River Press.

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