Prenatal Problems: Michael’s Story


More and more people are coming to understand that nutrition, acupuncture, and chiropractic can help improve virtually any situation with the body’s health. It’s especially fulfilling when parents on the way home from the hospital with their newborn first stop to see you, the chiropractor, so you can examine and adjust the infant—just like Michael’s mother did for him, and for his sister before him.

Michael’s parents have for many years understood the importance of using chiropractic, massage, nutritional supplements, herbs, and homeopathic remedies to assist the body in restoring the balance needed to maintain health.

Here is the story of Michael, as told by his mother. They’ve been patients of mine for several years now, and Michael’s mother was happy and willing to share her experience and inspire others who are seeking answers.

“Michael’s 21-week ultrasound showed fluid and swelling in the bladder and both kidneys, suggesting a bladder outlet obstruction. When we got the results at 24 weeks, I saw Dr. Keppel to learn what nutritional support we could provide. We muscle tested for Albaplex, and I began taking this immediately. We continued to monitor the swelling and amniotic fluid levels by ultrasound about every 4–6 weeks. If there was not enough amniotic fluid exiting the urinary tract, the baby would be unable to swallow/breathe enough, and the lungs would not be able to develop fully. Also, the kidneys could swell too large and crowd the abdomen.

“Fortunately, Michael’s AFI and lung development looked good for the ultrasounds, and it was deemed we could proceed with a normal delivery. At some point we muscle tested for Renafood instead of Albaplex, and I switched to that. At a routine check at 35 weeks (when mom had a cold), the AFI measured at the bare minimum and the OB/GYN wanted to induce labor. With extra efforts to hydrate (including a Chinese herbal tea of Dan Shen), the level increased but was continually in flux for the remainder of the pregnancy (probably related to when the baby urinated).

“We had a natural labor and delivery at 38+ weeks, and since Michael was urinating regularly, the decision was made to see the urologist within a week. Unfortunately, he developed a urinary tract infection and sepsis within two days of discharge. During treatment, I continued to take Renafood myself (since I was breastfeeding), and I also began administering small amounts of Renafood, Lactic Acid Yeast, and Calcium Lactate to Michael directly (crushed into powder and given on my dampened finger). The Lactic Acid Yeast immediately helped the severe diaper rash that had developed with the heavy antibiotic treatment. Michael’s kidney blood work began to stabilize and the doctors decided he could have the corrective surgery sooner than anticipated. He was officially diagnosed with Posterior Urethral Valves (thickening of the bladder wall at the outlet, which blocks the drainage of urine); this was corrected by endoscopic ablation when he was 13 days old.

“His kidney blood work continued to improve, and reached ‘normal’ levels within a few weeks of the surgery. However, his kidneys remained swollen and filled with fluid, such that he was labeled at Grade IV (‘severe’) hydronephrosis.

Urinary system
The Human urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

“Hydronephrosis is a condition that typically occurs when one kidney becomes swollen due to the failure of normal drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder.

“The doctors said it might improve somewhat over time but seemed convinced it would always remain. A prophylactic antibiotic was prescribed until it could be proven there was no urinary reflux into the kidneys.

“We continued to see Dr. Keppel for chiropractic and nutritional care, and began seeing Brian McPherson (CMT) to address certain muscular issues we had noticed (hips tilted forward, hating to be bent when held or in the car seat, always wanting to be stretched out, only sleeping on his side or tummy, etc.). We continued Renafood and occasionally had to give Lactic Acid Yeast, Betafood, and various NET homeopathic remedies (Wood, Metal, Flora Plus, Earth) to counteract the effects of the antibiotic. At 8 months, a urodynamics test showed the absence of reflux (and good bladder function), so the antibiotic was discontinued. We continued to see Dr. Keppel and Mr. McPherson, especially as Michael advanced to crawling and walking and would occasionally show stiffness in his hips. These treatments always resulted in immediate, visible improvements.

“At one point, urine crystals became visible in morning diapers, and a study was found linking this type of crystal to low phosphorus levels (seen in populations where children do not consume meat). Mom began offering diluted Phosfood Liquid, and Michael would rapidly drink it down when offered for a few days, then refuse. However, crystals always disappeared after the first dose. Mom has also found new ways to get him to eat meat, since he would always refuse it when offered alone. Since then, crystals have not been seen. Michael also points to supplements he wants from the cabinet, and he takes 2–3 Renafood tablets per day, as well as Betafood, Calcium Lactate, Lactic Acid Yeast, Congaplex, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, etc., as requested.

“Michael’s most recent visit to his urology and nephrology specialists showed perfectly normal blood work and, surprisingly, only Grade I hydronephrosis. The nephrologists ‘Don’t want to see him because he is so healthy,’ and his urologist indicated he might get down to normal (Grade 0) with the hydronephrosis.

“It’s difficult to say what the result would have been without our ‘natural support,’ but the fact remains that we now have a happy and healthy two-year-old who has not had a single UTI since the problem was corrected, and his measurable issues have almost completely resolved.”

All day long, I’m reminded of the critical role that food and diet play in our health, particularly for the developing child. Here are a few SRP products that I recommend to parents:

  • Nourishing Healthy Babies: First Real Foods is a perfect resource for new mothers and fathers. Based on the principles of Weston A. Price, this heirloom-quality chart from Monica Corrado presents the foods that give babies what they need to foster rapidly developing brains, build strong bones, and maintain healthy bodies.

Long ago, nutritional pioneers such as McCarrison, Price, and Lee accurately predicted this kind of genetic destruction, acquired through dietary patterns, which passes to the chromosome of the next generation. Russia stands as a glaring example of their warning.”
—Mr. Mark R. Anderson, “Prenatal Nutrition and Birth Defects,” from the Selene River Press Practitioner’s Corner blog.

Photos from iStock/nensuria (at top) and ttsz (inset)

Dr. Lowell Keppel

Dr. Keppel received a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1983, following an associate degree in science from Southwestern Michigan Community College. He became certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique in 1999, having studied directly under the program’s founder, Dr. Scott Walker. He has undertaken a variety of further training, including herbology, spinal rehabilitation, and ongoing nutritional education.

Dr. Keppel knows there is always some seminar, book or journal that might deepen his knowledge or contribute one more bit of information that he can directly translate into an effective treatment. He gives sound advice from the perspective of clinical experience and years of practice.

More recently, Dr. Keppel has been teaching seminars for Standard Process West. He has become their in-house chiropractor and is recognized as a mentor for other practitioners throughout the greater Denver area.

For more information, visit his website at, check out his YouTube channel, or contact him directly at

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