Be Mentally Prepared for the Holidays

Tired Santa

Whether you’ve been anxiously awaiting the season since June or wishing you could hibernate with the bears rather than participate, the holidays are here. Let the parties and package gathering and traveling begin. Right? Right. Love it or loathe it, the hustle and bustle and perceived obligations can scramble the minds of the best of us. But with a little preparation, you can ease the weight of the days to come.

Here are some of the strategies I use so I don’t end up looking for a cave of bears to cuddle up with.

Get a massage. From easing your anxiety to boosting your immune system, a massage can help you get through the season in one piece. Treating yourself to an hour of pure relaxation can shift your entire outlook on that grisly “to do” list you’ve been staring at bug-eyed. Heck, even on a plane you’re encouraged to take care of yourself in case of emergency before you take care of others. So if the holidays are starting to feel like a misadventure, there’s no shame in taking care of you first. Massage not your thing? Take a hot bath, meditate, or even just nap on the couch. You deserve it. Trust me.

Practice saying no. If the idea of another holiday gathering makes you want to sell your house and move, politely say, “No, thank you.” For most, that response will suffice. However, if you’re pushed for a reason, the only answer you need to give is, “It just won’t work for me to be there.” It is super empowering to respect your own limits. The host may be slightly disappointed, but it’s a busy time for everyone. It will be fine.

Make sleep a priority. Oh, sleep. How I do love thee. And when I miss out on it for whatever reason, I suddenly become Eeyore about anything and everything. Okay, maybe Scrooge is a more fitting fictional reference for the season. Either way, a good night’s sleep can make the whole world a sunnier place—and keep you healthy during the holidays. Insomnia taking over? Here are some tips to help get your snooze on. Sleep. Get plenty.

Don’t beat yourself up. ’Tis the season of indulgences. Eat, drink, and be merry. Well, each slip away from your normally healthy diet has a negative impact on your immune system (and pretty much every other system in your body). It can even affect the quality of your sleep, so proceed with caution. If you do slip up and overindulge, beating yourself up certainly won’t undo it. Simply grab your bottle of Standard Process Zypan and Lactic Acid Yeast Wafers to help ease any digestive issues, and increase your Congaplex and Immuplex doses to benefit your immune system. Sending your health into a tailspin is not the way you want to end the year. Take my word for it.

The holidays are a time to celebrate and enjoy in whatever way you see fit. Do things on your own terms, and you’re sure to look forward to the energy of the season more and more each year.

How do you mentally prepare for the crunch of the next few weeks?

Photo from iStock/Tomwang112

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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