Learn to Cook for Well-Being! with Traditional Food Chef Monica Corrado

Here are two traditional cooking classes you don’t want to miss! Monica Corrado presents The Art and Science of Lacto-Fermentation and Gluten-Free Baking with Nut and Seed Flours as part of her Cooking for Well-BeingTM series. The classes will be held at the Whole Foods Market Cooking School, 2201 S. College Avenue, in Fort Collins, Colorado.

On Saturday, November 29, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., learn how to ferment just about anything with The Art and Science of Lacto-Fermentation. You’ll learn lacto-fermentation for its therapeutic effects and the role ferments play in healing the gut and immune system. Ferments are another fundamental “pillar” of the GAPS™ diet. We’ll ferment vegetables and beverages, including beet kvass, a great blood tonic. Got kidney stones? Drink beet kvass! Cost: $55 per class. Click here to register today!

prust-corrado-nov-2014-event-2Then from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monica presents Gluten-Free Baking with Nut and Seed Flours. Gluten-Free? Paleo? On the GAPS diet? Yes, you can eat bread and muffins! In this class, learn how to make nut and seed flour digestible AND how to bake basic breads and muffins with it. Cost: $55 per class. Click here to register today! 

SAVE! Two classes for $100! Click here to register for Lacto-Fermentation AND Baking with Nut and Seed Flours.

Monica Corrado, MA, CNC, is a holistic Certified Nutrition Counselor and a Traditional Food Chef. She is also on the Honorary Board of the Weston A. Price Foundation and serves as co-leader of the Fort Collins chapter. Monica travels all over the country teaching people how to cook traditional, nourishing food. She gives them the tools and inspiration to go into the kitchen and reclaim their health through real food. Come experience the lively exchange for which Monica is so well known. Have your questions answered!

Samantha Prust

Samantha Prust is a freelance writer, editor, and owner of Your Editor On Call in Fort Collins, Colorado. She can be contacted at YourEditorOnCall@gmail.com.

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