In Loving Memory of Maria Atwood

In Loving Memory of Maria Atwood

July 29, 1940 – July 30, 2024

The longer I live the more I realize how unique every human being is. What captures us when we meet someone? The sound of their voice, the mystery in their eyes, the way they look at the world—a million things, a million surprises.

I can’t remember the first time I met Maria. But I always felt that I knew her and loved her. You know how it is when you can’t explain why you connect so deeply with someone?

We met at a Back to School for Doctors seminar, that I do remember. She began submitting articles to Selene River Press in 2015 and quickly became a regular with her blog, Tips From the Traditional Cook. In addition to her nutrition counseling practice, she continually looked for ways to help others learn the works of Weston A. Price and Dr. Royal Lee. One of those ways was to create a wonderful cooking class video, Cook Your Way to Wellness.

Her inspired love for wholistic living drove her to study Dr. Lee’s work. She scoured the world for nutritional, herbal, and essential oil solutions, sourcing delights like real vanilla, canned grass-fed butter for long-term storage, and exotic spices. Then Maria wrote. And she wrote about everything from…

Chronic and End-Stage Illness: How You Can Help

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Freedom From Antibiotics: An Easy Guide to Safer Alternatives

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Her dedication to the principles of wholism sounded the alarm for many to wake up to the abundant knowledge that is available but must be sought after because we are not spoon-fed these natural health solutions the way we are drug solutions.

Woven into our writing and publishing projects was a web of friendship and caring for one another that Maria always marveled at. “I don’t understand why you are so loving to me, Stephanie,” she would giggle in that sweet ageless voice, “but I trust you will be blessed many times over for it.”

She fussed over me and my family, always supportive during our challenges and delighting in our happiness. She wrote me cards in beautiful script and sent me lovely little gifts.

I will remember Maria’s strength as my heart goes out to her for the struggle she had to endure at the end. I wish I could have been at her side.

Thank you, Maria, for bringing your precious wisdom to our small but sturdy bastion of life-giving knowledge at Selene River Press.

Stephanie Selene Anderson

Stephanie Selene Anderson is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Selene River Press.

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1 thoughts on “In Loving Memory of Maria Atwood

  1. Lorrie says:

    I was caught by surprise with today’s newsletter because I had not heard that Maria had passed. I knew she had not been well for a couple years and struggled. She was special to me and I enjoyed our phone visits and seeing her at BTS until she was unable to come due to finances or illness and her cat that she couldn’t leave for that long. She was spunky and a little snarky some days but we had great conversations and emails over the years. I hope she passed peacefully with somebody who loved her by her side.

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