By the National Health Federation
Summary: He was called “the Einstein of nutrition,” “father of holistic health,” and, simply, “genius.” He was Dr. Royal Lee, lauded in the 1972 book A New Breed of Doctor as “the best informed person on nutrition in America and perhaps even the world.” Yet Dr. Lee was much more than a nutritionist. He was also a highly successful engineer, businessman, farmer, educator, author, and researcher. But perhaps most of all, he was a humanitarian. Dr. Lee genuinely cared about the health and welfare of humanity, earning him legions of devoted admirers. In 1962 the National Health Federation [NHF] awarded Dr. Lee its highest honor, the Humanitarian Award, in “appreciation of his outstanding contribution to the health of America by fearlessly proclaiming and publishing nutritional truth.” The federations’ words were not chosen lightly. The truth that Dr. Lee spoke—about the corruption of the food supply in America at the hands of industrial food manufacturers and their lackeys in both the federal government and the medical profession—put him in the crosshairs of some of the most powerful institutions in the country. Yet Dr. Lee never wavered from his mission to inform the public of what was happening behind the “iron curtain” of America’s food and health, for which he was “loved and respected by thousands of seekers for the truth,” as the NHF declares in this 1962 excerpt from its national newsletter. From The National Health Federation Bulletin, 1962. Reprinted by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research.
Humanitarian Award to Dr. Royal Lee[spacer height=”20px”]
One of the greatest humanitarians of our age, if not of all time, is Dr. Royal Lee, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He will be awarded the highest honor of the National Health Federation—the Humanitarian Award—at the Sixth Annual Midwest Convention in Columbus, Ohio, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. All friends of Dr. Lee will want to make a special effort to honor him on this occasion.
Humanitarian, researcher, scientist, scholar, nutritionist, crusader, inventor, statesman, businessman, philanthropist, and a fighter for freedom. Few men have achieved in a single field the success Dr. Lee has had in a dozen. Loved and respected by thousands of seekers for the truth, he is destined to be written in the history books of our age as one of the few great crusaders whose life was so well balanced that he was able to live to see the first fruits of victory.
Few men excel Dr. Lee as a scientist, inventor, or businessman, and far fewer have done more as a humanitarian with these gifts. Some day a statue will be erected to his memory. The National Health Federation doesn’t like to wait till a great man dies to honor him.
Thousands of individuals have had their visions of greater health kindled through the reprints of the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. One cannot share what is commonly known as the “American way of life” without benefiting from the discoveries and developments of the Lee Engineering Company, for which Dr. Lee, as the inventor, owns the patents. But most endearing of his attributes is his willingness to set aside time to patiently lecture, advise, and counsel at our conventions.
Yes, Dr. Lee is a humanitarian, and the National Health Federation has chosen Ohio, where Dr. Lee has so many friends, to award him their highest award, the Humanitarian Award. It will be presented to Dr. Lee on July 3rd as the highlight of the all-organic banquet, where Dr. Lee will speak. His subject will be “We Are Fighting for Our Lives.”
[Photo of Dr. Lee’s Humanitarian Award, with the following text inscribed:][spacer height=”20px”]“National Health Federation Humanitarian Award to Dr. Royal Lee. Scientist, Inventor, Nutritionist, Author, Publisher, Pamphleteer, Philanthropist. In grateful acknowledgement and appreciation of his outstanding contribution to the health of America by fearlessly proclaiming and publishing nutritional truth in the spirit of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. This 3rd day of July, 1962, In annual convention, Columbus, Ohio.”
Author unknown. Reprinted from The National Health Federation Bulletin, June 1962, by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research.