Dr. Royal Lee on the “X Factor” of Dr. Price

By Dr. Royal Lee with commentary by Mark R. Anderson

Summary: In the 1930s Dr. Weston Price traveled the globe to study the diets of traditional societies that had yet to start eating modern, processed foods or were in the beginning stages of incorporating them into their culture. Among the many profound nutritional discoveries he made (which he published in his seminal book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration) was the existence of a critical fat-soluble nutrient that was responsible for, among other things, moving calcium from the blood into the tissues, including the bones and teeth. Although Dr. Price was able to measure the effects of this “vitamin-like activator” (which he called Activator X), he was never able to precisely identify its chemical structure. According to nutrition educator and historian Mark R. Anderson, Dr. Royal Lee had no doubt that Price’s X factor was a component of vitamin F, a complex that includes the essential fatty acids. Dr. Lee considered Price’s X factor so important, Anderson adds, that he included it in three of his famous therapeutic food formulas—Cataplex F tablets, Cataplex F perles, and Super EFF. In these excerpts Dr. Lee discusses the relationship between the vitamin F complex and Price’s discovery. Selene River Press, 2005.

[The following is a transcription of the original Archives document. To view or download the original document, click here.]

Dr. Royal Lee on the “X Factor” of Dr. Price

[Commentary by Mark Anderson:] [spacer height=”20px”]

Dr. Lee was never under any cloud of mystery when it came to [Dr. Price’s] “X factor.” He knew by 1936 what it was, whence it came, and how it functions. He created at least three different product formulations to incorporate its important function. The following quotes are excerpts from articles published and lectures given by Dr. Royal Lee. More on the X factor is found in Dr. Lee’s article “Butter, Vitamin E and the ‘X’ Factor” in these archives.

[Excerpts by Dr. Royal Lee:][spacer height=”20px”]

Excerpt from Lectures of Dr. Royal Lee, Volume I: 

Food and Its Function

Address to the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Applied Nutrition, Coronado, California, April 12–15, 1951, paragraph 5:

“At intervals a group with some scientific authority tries for some reason to bury alive a new vitamin by pronouncing it of no importance or by saying it has no established nutritional value. Vitamin F, the factor in butter that acts in cooperation with vitamin D to promote calcium assimilation and protect the teeth from decay (a form of which was described as ‘factor X’ by Dr. Weston A. Price in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration) was declared not worthy of recognition as a vitamin ten years ago by such a committee, and since then no mention has been made in the censored journals of medical literature of this essential vitamin. The only occasions when it was included in a discussion of vitamins was in the book Newer Nutrition in Pediatric Practice (I.N. Kugelmass, Lippincott, 1940), where it was considered essential to human life, and again in the Annual Review of Biochemistry of 1949, where a review was published under the designation ‘Vitamin F.'”

Excerpt from Vitamin News, September 1950:

Chlorophyll: A Food Essential

“Chlorophyll is a fat-soluble pigment, the green coloring material in plant leaves. It is naturally associated with the fat-soluble vitamins of the leaf, the vitamin E complex, the K complex, the A complex, and the F complex—the most important factor of which is also known as the X factor of Dr. Weston A. Price (found only in young seedlings during the period of rapid growth).”

Excerpt from Vitamin News, February 15, 1954, pp. 186–187:

[Regarding Wheat Germ Oil and Vitamin F:][spacer height=”20px”]

“The National Dairy Council says good butter has one-tenth as much vitamin E as wheat germ oil. It is our best source of vitamin F, also an important heart vitamin. The AMA [American Medical Association] and the Food and Drug Administration try to tell you that there is no such vitamin as F, but again that is a deliberate misrepresentation, a bold-faced lie in plain language, to keep you in ignorance of its importance. Look up the section in the 1949 Annual Review of Biochemistry on this subject. There it is stated that a deficiency of vitamin F is suspected to predispose to cancer. Or look at the latest issue of the International Review of Vitamin Research (Berne, Switzerland), Vol. XXV., No. 1, and see the two articles on vitamin F—pages 62 and 86. Both of these publications are officially using the term vitamin F, and anyone who says it does not exist is deliberately keeping his head in a sandpile. By denying its existence, these foul crooks are putting off the day of reckoning when its widespread deficiency can be recognized and corrected. Heart disease and arthritis in particular. Go back to Dr. Weston Price’s book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, page 273, and read how the crippled and pain-wracked little boy who was told his fate was death by ignorant doctors recovered perfect health on butter containing vitamin F that Dr. Price obtained from Deaf Smith County, Texas. (Dr. Price called vitamin F at that time the ‘X’ factor of butter—since identified as a member of the F complex.)”

The three products developed by Dr. Lee containing Weston Price’s X Factor:

1. Cataplex F Tablets
2. Cataplex F Perles
3. Super-EFF

By Dr. Royal Lee and Mark R. Anderson. Selene River Press, 2005. 


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