Applied Trophology, Vol. 6, No. 3
(March 1962)

“Hemoglisia Kills One Person in Seven” by Michel Remy, “Bedbugs and Smallpox,” and “Effect of Honey on Calcium Retention”

The following is a transcription of the March 1962 issue of Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, originally published by Standard Process Laboratories.

Hemoglisia Kills One Person in Seven

By Michel Remy

We will begin with the study of a recently identified disease, hemoglisia (hemogliase), which is thought to cause, at the present time, 70 percent of the serious vascular accidents, or 100,000 deaths per year in France, and which is said to attack one in every seven adults, which doubtlessly leads to death by vascular accident. Hemoglisia was described for the first time by Dr. de Larebeyrette in his book Hemogliase hyper alpha 2 (Hemogl. hyper alpha 2, Les Editions de Medecine Pratique, 12, rue Pierre Geoffroy, Colombes, Seine, France, publishers.)

The term hemoglisia, taken from Greek, means etymologically: thickening of the blood. It is in effect the thickening of the blood which characterizes this disease and which makes it fearful. It is easy to understand that all kinds of disturbances will necessarily result from an increase of the viscosity of the blood. The circulatory system, heart, and vessels are capable of circulating in a satisfactory manner a fluid blood, which circulates in the largest vessels as well as in the most fragile capillaries and attains, without difficulty, all the regions of the organism.

But if, for any reason, the blood thickens, the circulation will automatically be slowed down. The tension (pressure) will decrease, the organs, insufficiently nourished, will become weakened, wastes will accumulate because of not being carried rapidly enough toward the organs of elimination. The organism will weaken and poison itself.

One understands then easily why hemoglisia manifests itself by the following symptoms signaled by Dr. de Larebeyrette: post prandiale somnolences (after meals), soon aggravated by brief dizzy spells (frequent causes of fatal automobile accidents, drowning, falls from high places, etc.), impression of slowness of thought, character troubles, flatulent dyspepsia, decrease or disappearance of sexual desire, capillary fragility, hypotension, and, of course, circulatory troubles of all kinds.

The various technical publications of Dr. de Larebeyrette answer the main questions that the layman might pose regarding hemoglisia. In Medicine et Laboratoire, No. 72, p. 221, he says:

I was able to establish:

1. That only a regime rich in carbohydrates was harmful.
2. That the only noxious carbohydrates were represented by foodstuffs made from re-refined white flour.
3. That among those foodstuffs white bread was the most noxious.

It is thus the bolting of flours and the present method of bread making that seems to be the main cause of hemoglisia. When symptoms of hemoglisia are present, what tests allow to confirm or disprove the diagnosis?

Writes Dr. de Larebeyrette:

The blood of hemoglisiacs shows:

1. An excess of viscosity of the blood even up to 100 percent.
2. A slowing by from 50 to 150 percent of blood circulation.
3. An increase from 200 to 500 percent of the euglobulines alpha 2.
4. A hypercoagulability of the blood from 30 to 300 percent (verified by a thromboelastograph).
5. In serious cases and announcing the imminence of a vascular accident, an important increase of serum potassium.

From Atomes, No. 173, p. 25:

“Urine: an increase from 200 to 500 percent of the seromucoides (albumin derived from the euglobulines).

“The appearance of hemoglisia, which consists essentially in the impossibility of assimilating the polysaccharide sugar complexes with branched chains of the starches of present grain flours, corresponds to poor functioning of the suprarenal glands, which causes an increase of certain seromucoides in the blood and in the urine. Dr. Bugard, world specialist of suprarenal glands, was able to demonstrate that the excess urinary seromucoides corresponded to an overworked suprarenal.”

Everybody eats or has eaten the current bad flours and white bread. However, only certain ones become hemoglisiacs because each organism has its weak points, and hemoglisia is installed in case of a suprarenal deficiency. But the main point is the hereditary tendency toward hemoglisia. In his book, Hemoglisia hyper alpha 2, Dr. de Larebeyrette notes that laboratory tests of a father and son are often easy to confuse. The dark bread of past times, was it a generator of hemoglisia?

Dr. de Larebeyrette answered that in a letter published by the newspaper L’Yonne Republicaine (August 6, 1959, p. 2):

“Every baker can, in a certain measure, reduce the noxiousness of present breads by using a guaranteed flour complete and treated with leaven, on condition that the latter is allowed its normal acting time.”

It is easy to understand that the development of hemoglisia, which would be the determining factor of 70 percent of cardiovascular accidents, coincides with the mode of white bread worked with yeast. What is the future of hemoglisiacs? According to Dr. de Larebeyrette, if he follows a treatment and a regimen, the hemoglisiac can, like the diabetic, live with his problem without being able to eliminate it completely.

“It is a question of a trouble in the metabolism of gluco-proteins. This metabolic trouble improves with treatment but recurs when treatment ceases.”

Medecine et Laboratoire, No. 76, p. 97.

“The patients who observe this diet and treatment and submit themselves to biological controls twice a year do not have vascular accidents; the most serious forms, having already caused infarctus, cerebral softening, whose hereditary and relative antecedents are heavily burdened in similar cases, are slowly returned to the benign biological form.

“Sixty percent of those who stopped the regimen showed a new aggravation in the tests; despite the treatment they were obligated to resume the regimen. Eighty percent of those who stopped both regimen and treatment had infarctus, softening, acute edemas or serious coronary crises.”

Medecine et Laboratoire, No. 83, p. 3.

Thus one considers, in the present state of medical research, that the deficiency of the suprarenal glands, which provokes hemoglisia in those who eat white bread and white flour, is irreversible as is the deficiency of the pancreas in the diabetic, but that a therapy of substitution, furnishing the organism certain elements whose synthesis it is incapable of making, completed by a strict diet, allows a normal life. “But, be careful,” adds Dr. de Larebeyrette (Medecine et Laboratoire No. 76, p. 101). “Two days after eating white bread or flour produces new serious crises.” What does the regimen of the hemoglisiac consist of: Total suppression of all foodstuffs made from refined flour (bread, noodles, pastries, macaroni, etc.) until the tests have become relatively normal.

Then prudently use whole grain flours and whole grain bread with leaven, in controlling laboratory tests. The palliative medical treatment indicated by Dr. de Larebeyrette is essentially: citrates; iodized proteins; delta-hydro-cortisone in very weak doses to palliate the dangerous consequences of the production of deficiency of the organism. This treatment can evidently only be affected under medical control and by laboratory tests. If it is useful in the very particular case of the hemoglisiac, it would evidently be very harmful for any other person.

What are the laboratory control tests? The most elementary is the blood viscosity; the others are: the reticulo-endothelial index, circulatory speed, kalimeter, etc. They allow one to follow the evolution of the disease.

Hemoglisia, is it really irreversible? It is essentially caused by a glandular deficiency. It can only be cured in the total meaning of the term by reestablishment of normal suprarenal glandular function. It is evident that a palliative treatment does not accomplish this, and it is why it can only permit the patient to live with his sickness. To reestablish glandular function, it is necessary to:

    1. Suppress the aggravating cause that put the gland out of function—here the consumption of white bread. Total suppression is necessary. But this is probably not the only harmful factor that deteriorates the suprarenal capsules. There is at present, particularly in the nutritional domain, so many harmful factors for the whole of the organism, that we do not think it possible to affirm the irreversibility of an organic disease before having tried to suppress all harmful influences. We think, in particular, that the fast cures alternating with periods of perfectly healthful eating would be likely to play a very important role in the attempt to regenerate suprarenal function.
    2. Put into practice techniques to aid in the reconstitution of suprarenal function. It seems that much remains to be done in this field. In this respect, it might be remembered, that each organ has associated with it an indispensable oligo-element necessary for its functioning: iodine and thyroid, zinc and pancreas, etc. Tin is presumed to be the oligo-element associated with the suprarenal glands. It might be that this element could play a catalytic role in the reconstitution of function in the hemoglisiacs. To our knowledge, the trial has not been made.

In resume, hemoglisia is a serious, dangerous and hereditary form of wastes produced in the organism by improper food whose base is flour that has been overly bolted. Hemoglisia presently causes 70 percent of the serious vascular accidents.

The diagnosis of hemoglisia is confirmed by very precise and very accurate laboratory tests. Under present medical techniques a treatment and a strict diet serve to put the patient out of danger, and it doesn’t seem impossible that a profound organic regeneration by means of healthful living and judicious treatment can allow total cure. We insist on the fact the hemoglisiac with a serious case can’t, at the outset of treatment, practice habitual healthful eating based on fruits and whole grain cereals; grain, even whole grain, is temporarily prohibited for him because of the metabolic paralysis provoked in the organism by the habitual consumption of white bread. It is only when all danger will have disappeared that he will be allowed to eat prudently whole grain bread made with leaven, but white bread will be forever prohibited.

—Translation of a review taken from La Vie Claire (Paris), No. 167, October 1961.

Bedbugs and Smallpox

Dr. Campbell in his book Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars ($4.00, Lee Foundation) tells how he always found bedbugs in the home of smallpox victims that were brought to the San Antonio city hospital when he was Health Commissioner, and that he was sure that the disease was transmitted through bedbug bites, as no case ever came to his notice where smallpox was transmitted from one person to another where the bedbug transmission was impossible, such as in the hospital.

Since smallpox as well as vaccine of cow-pox (the vaccination factor) is known to require actual introduction into the body by an implantation through a skin opening made by an instrument, how else than by an insect bite could it be transmitted? (It was once the custom to inoculate with smallpox to create immunity, just as mothers might expose their children to measles to “get it over with.”)

Rosenau in Preventive Medicine & Hygiene (Appleton) says, “We are still ignorant of the precise mode by which smallpox is conveyed.”

Such ignorance seems to be hard to dissipate. Dr. Campbell provides an explanation, why not carefully investigate it instead of ridiculing it?

Rosenau tells how bedbugs transmit relapsing fever and may carry leprosy infection. Campbell’s evidence is most conclusive.

Schneider in Pharmaceutical Bacteriology (Blakiston) tells how smallpox is transmitted among Indians by “blankets.”

And in British Columbia the Indians avoid certain shacks in their travels because smallpox attacks those who sleep there. (Reported by Dr. Weston A. Price, the author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.)

Effect of Honey on Calcium Retention

Knott and his associates determined the effect that feeding corn syrup and honey in milk formulas had on the retention of calcium in infants. They found that the average retention of calcium was always higher if honey was included in the formula. The increased retention occurred with both low and high intakes of vitamin D and regardless of other operative factors; its magnitude tended to decrease as other beneficial factors were employed. This is to be expected, as each infant has an upper level of optimal response. In view of the results the authors conclude that honey is a carbohydrate that is well-suited to the needs of the infant and therefore probably deserves wider use in infant dietaries.

—Knott, et al. JAMA, 118, 1:84, January 3, 1942.

[Note from editor of Applied Trophology:] This is no doubt the vitamin F effect. Beeswax and comb honey are very good sources of this vitamin. In Dr. Jarvis’ book Folk Medicine, Dr. Jarvis tells of various benefits from the use of comb honey. All are effects known to be attributable to vitamin F.

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