Applied Trophology, Vol. 2, No. 8
(August 1958)

Vitamin F and Virus Reactions

The following is a transcription of the August 1958 issue of Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, originally published by Standard Process Laboratories.

Also in this issue:

  • Deficiency Retards Detoxification
  • Human Poisoning by Insecticides Used on Tomatoes
  • Physicians Tell Summer Eating Rules
  • Rx Is Honey, by D.C. Jarvis
  • Tip of the Month (Head Noises)
  • Pineal Gland Hormone Believed Demonstrated
  • High Points of Prolamine Iodine

Vitamin F and Virus Reactions

Vitamin F may be defined as the active form of unsaturated fatty acids found in natural oils. (See reference 1 for confirmation of this statement, since vitamin F has many detractors, some of whom deny its existence.) Any processing, refining, oxidation, or rancidity destroys vitamin F activity.

Vitamin F has many specific effects. The first is to increase tolerance of the body to thyroid hormone. Blood iodine (thyroid hormones) increases phenomenally after vitamin F ingestion.2 Second, blood calcium drops and diffusible calcium available to cells increases in the tissue fluids.3 Third, cells become resistant to viral invasion.4 Fourth, cell assimilation of oxygen is only possible by reason of vitamin F.5 Fifth, vitamin F destroys carcinogenic poisons via catalytic oxidation.6 Sixth, vitamin F prevents cholesterol increase in the blood from a high-fat diet.6a

It is very interesting to see that three of these functions of vitamin F are such as to make it an anticarcinogenic influence, namely, the blocking of viral invasion of cells, the promotion of oxygen uptake, and the destruction of carcinogens. It is suggestive too that the first disease entity that was observed to suggest itself as a vitamin F deficiency reaction was prostate enlargement.2 And very suggestive is the fact that the vitamin F complex is the cholesterol-controlling complex in natural foods7—high cholesterol predisposing to cancer according to good authorities.8

Also suggestive is the fact that the most troublesome kind of warts are often quickly eliminated by vitamin F complex [Cataplex F], since warts are a virus-transmitted lesion, like cancer. And we have cancer specialists such as Dr. Aviles of Mexico using special concentrates of vitamin F as part of their treatment for cancer.9

Natural, unrefined oils of vegetable source are all good sources of vitamin F activity. But sesame oil in particular seems to have a special ability to resist oxidative changes leading to rancidity, and it has a factor known as vitamin T (well-known only in Germany) that promotes blood platelet formation.10 These platelets are known to be carriers of tissue determinants (protomorphogens), which act as catalyzers in the formation of connective tissue and the promotion of blood coagulation.

Sesame oil therefore may be the best oil to use in cooking and in making salad dressing for the cancer patient. It is probably this antioxidant peculiar to sesame oil that acts as its special vitamin T, which promotes the formation of blood platelets, and these in turn oppose pernicious anemia and hemorrhagic disease.

“Our own eating, cooking, and food processing habits have changed so drastically that if there is a bare sufficiency of antioxidants in nature, there can scarcely be enough in food as we eat it today.”11

“Because it operates on many organs and situations, through sparing or oxidizing other substances, it has little specificity and no recognized deficiency syndrome. As antioxidant deficiencies it is a temptation for this speculative reviewer to claim as his meat the whole motley collection of individuals who drift into hospitals for salvage and abnormal repair: the emaciated young girl with immature ovaries, the middle-aged man with causeless internal hemorrhage, the blind boy with half developed conjunctiva. To these we would add the prematurely balding man, the woman who never menstruates, and that sad but growing roster of middle-class females who must adopt children because they are unexplainably barren. What! Are they all just devoid of antioxidants? But is not emaciation an anemia, immature ovaries a result of hormonal imbalance, and impaired conjunctiva due to prenatal deficiency of vitamin A, the critic might ask. Of course. Our point is that poor antioxidant status may have been the chief contributory factor in the failure of sufficient metabolites to reach their points of duty in the malnourished body. We may also ask whether there may not he a recognizable pro-oxidant deficiency syndrome, possibly connected with an increased in incidence to cancer.”

“It was Professor Mattill and his various pupils who showed us that an unprotected oil that might go rancid in an hour (in the Swift Tester) could be, for instance, protected for 8 hours with alpha-tocopherol, for 50 hours with alpha-tocopherol plus phospholipid, for 200 hours with alpha-tocopherol, phospholipid, and ascorbic acid, and for 300 hours with all the above plus tannins. Thus was offered an insight into how nature stabilized vegetable fats for relatively vast periods with meager supplies of antioxidants—by mixing them subtly with various trace compounds. There are many of nature’s tricks in stabilizing fats that we do not know. In general, the proportion of antioxidant in a vegetable oil increases with the degree of unsaturation.”

In a recent discussion of the above, Dr. Holman said:

“I think all this discussion adds up to is that these highly unsaturated fatty acids are pretty important things. They occur in what we call the vital places in the animal. The heart contains a great deal of them. The brain contains a lot of them, but in the brain the turnover is very low. In a cytochrome oxidase preparation, which supposedly has 30 percent lipid, the lipid contains these fatty acids. Whatever their function may be, they occur in interesting places.”11

Warburg and others have conclusively shown that oxygen starvation in the cells predisposes cancer. The major reason for oxygen starvation at the cell level is rancid oils. They destroy vitamin E, and after the E deficiency develops, the cell demand for oxygen can increase 250 percent.12  That overloads the heart and circulatory system and no doubt aggravates any anemic tendency. A vicious cycle is set up, as the breakdown of the oxygen supply system stimulates the tendency to cancer.


  1. Annual Review of Biochemistry, p. 433, 1949.
  2. Lee Foundation, Report No. 1.
  3. Lee Foundation, Report Nos. 1, 2, and 3.
  4. Modern Medicine, p. 53, August 16, 1957.
  5. Meyerhof, Otto. Chemical Dynamics of Life Phenomena, pp. 27 and 34. Lippincott, 1923.
  6. Rusch, H.P., and Miller, J.A. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., 68:140–43, 1949; 6a. Ahrens, E.H. Fr., et al. Lancet, 1943, 1957.
  7. Canad, J. “The Nature of the Substances in Dietary Fat Affecting the Level of Plasma Cholesterol in Humans.” Biochemistry and Physiology, 35:257–270, 1957.
  8. Royal Soc., 147, 84–89.
  9. Aviles, H. “Discovery of the Anticancerous Properties of the ‘F’ Vitamine (Reptiline).” Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research Special Reprint 12-53, 1953.
  10. Schiff, E., and Hirschberger, C. J. Diseases Children, 53:32–8, 1937.
  11. Biological Antioxidants, Trans. of the Fourth Conf., Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, pp. 117, 122, and 163, 1949.
  12. Houchin and Mattill. Biol. Chem., pp. 146, 301–307, December 1942.

Deficiency Retards Detoxification

Vitamin C deficiency significantly decreases the ability of the body to utilize ketones. This decreased ability is, in turn, related to an inability to detoxify certain poisons in the body. The findings were reported by Doctor Habeeb Bacchus of the George Washington University School of Medicine.

Medical Science, Philadelphia

Human Poisoning by Insecticides Used on Tomatoes

A dispatch from Italy (J.A.M.A., p. 139, 1959) tells us how hexachlorocyclohexane contamination of sprayed tomatoes caused diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pains.

A Florida news item tells how a farmer in the New Zion area, west of Wauchula, saw his herd of 145 cattle die within 15 minutes after being sprayed with a vegetable spray mistakenly used in place of a fly poison. Horace Gough was the farmer’s name. His loss exceeded $15,000 (May 23, 1958). (See article in American Mercury, July 1958, pp. 33–54, on dangers of food poisoning.)

Physicians Tell Summer Eating Rules

From a special report on feeding children during hot weather prepared for the American Medical Association Council on Foods and Nutrition.

Television, air conditioning, and eating between meals have combined to produce a new hot weather syndrome among children. It is characterized by the “pale, flabby, tired child who has gained excessive weight during the warm weather because he has stayed in an air-conditioned house watching television most of his waking hours and has indulged in frequent between-meal snacks that have spoiled his appetite for well-balanced meals,” according to a report by Doctors Floyd A. Norman and Edward L. Pratt1 published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.2

Poor appetite in the summer and faulty eating habits may result from uncontrolled use of cold, high-caloric drinks or food, from failure to take adequate exercise, and from overindulgence in between-meal snacks.

Hot weather imposes no special dietary requirements for children. They need the same well-balanced diet they always need, along with extra water. They do not need additional quantities of salt. Only adults under “conditions of great physical activity associated with extremely large outputs of sweat” need sodium chloride tablets.

It is unwise for adults to condition children to dislike hot weather or to foist summertime food fads on them.

The following rules will help maintain good nutrition and eating habits among children:

  1. The habit of vigorous outdoor activity should be developed. Children do not mind hot weather unless they are conditioned to dislike it.
  2. Cool, but not cold, drinks are best, and for the most part water should be used to quench thirst.
  3. Between-meal foods and high-caloric drinks may have to be controlled.
  4. A short “cooling-off” and quiet period before meals may increase the child’s appetite.
  5. Limiting of high-caloric foods, such as peanut butter and ice cream, may be necessary.
  6. The large and better-balanced meal may best be served in the evening, when the temperature is lower.
  7. All of the usual measures and guides for developing good eating habits should be continued irrespective of the weather.

If infants and children eating well-balanced diets do not tolerate ordinary heat, they should be examined for illness rather than have their diets changed.


  1. Doctors Norman and Pratt are affiliated with the Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, the Children’s Medical Center and Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas.
  2. Norman, F.A., and Pratt E.L. “Feeding of Infants and Children in Hot Weather.” A.M.A., 166:2168, April 26, 1958.
[Comment by editor of Applied Trophology:] In the summertime don’t forget that it is a good idea to take some Upjohn’s Citrocarbonate now and then to replace sweated out minerals. Hot weather weakness is due to the mineral loss.

Rx Is Honey

By D.C. Jarvis, MD

The author states that honey has many virtues, such as: bacteria cannot live in the presence of honey; honey contains all the vitamins that nutritionists consider necessary to health; the predigestion of honey by the bee saves man’s stomach additional labor; honey is a help in living this life literally from the cradle to the grave; it will, by several effects, render old age less difficult to live; it is useful in infant feeding, possessing an antiseptic and mild laxative action; infants fed on honey rarely have colic; it is a most efficient remedy for prevention of bed-wetting in children; it is regarded as the best remedy of all for producing sleep; it will relieve a cough when all other cough syrups fail; twitching of the eyelids or mouth can be made to disappear by taking honey; cramps in the body muscles may be controlled by honey; it is a successful treatment for skin burns; chewing honeycomb is excellent treatment for certain disturbances of the breathing tract; and sinus attacks, influenza, and head colds may be prevented by the use of honey and honeycomb.

J.A.M.A., p. 38, June 7, 1958

Tip of the Month (Head Noises)

Head noises such as ringing, buzzing, hissing or other sensation of noise in one or both ears is often due to a deficiency of minerals, specifically iodine and potassium. In the majority of these cases Allorganic Trace Minerals [Trace Minerals-B12] relieved this condition.

Pineal Gland Hormone Believed Demonstrated

Evidence for the existence of a hormone of the pineal gland, a poorly understood organ imbedded in the brain at the center of the head, has been reported by Dr. Wilbur B. Quay of the University of California. Dr. Quay told the American Association of Anatomists meeting in Baltimore that he has detected that certain lipids, or fatty substances, tend to accumulate near blood vessels that run through pineal tissue. It appears these lipids may travel into the blood vessels, much as internal secretions of the endocrine glands circulate through the body. The substances may be hormones or associated with hormones, Dr. Quay said.

Until recent years the pineal gland was thought to have no function. Lately it has been suspected of having endocrine functions, but no secretion emitted by the organ had ever been detected. In addition to finding the lipids near the blood vessels, Dr. Quay found a progressive increase, with age, of a type of pigment found in old age in various metabolically active tissues, such as the liver and heart. “The presence of this pigment is a strong indication of metabolic activity in the pineal organ,” Dr. Quay said. The scientist also reported experiments with radioactive phosphorus showing the pineal body has a high metabolic activity.

Tumors of the pineal body are frequently associated with premature sexual development in children. They are most common when sexual maturity is being attained and are three times as frequent in males as in females. Some scientists believe the pineal may oppose the pituitary gland and reproductive development until the arrival of puberty.

Science News Letter, May 11, 1957

High Points of Standard Process Nutritional Adjuncts

Organic Iodine Tablets [Prolamine Iodine]: For nutritional use, to supply iodine where the deficiency is present and to replace iodine reserves.

Iodine is essential in nutrition, being especially abundant in the colloid of the thyroid gland. It has been known for sometime that a probable relationship exists between the level of thyroid secretion and susceptibility to human poliomyelitis and encephalitis due to the fact these diseases occur in warm weather, when natural secretions of the thyroid gland are lowest. Iodine is usually indicated in hypothyroid cases. F.E. Chidester1 said, “Dr. W.H. Held and others used iodine for years in the treatment of precancerous and cancerous conditions.” South Carolina, with the higinhest percentage of available iodine, has the lowest percentage of cancer of any state in the union.

In 1954 Edward2 commented, “I am in my own mind convinced that iodine constitutes a prophylactic means against polio, that its use in the treatment of polio tends to restore muscle tone early and reduces convalescence to a minimum.”

Since vitamin F is essential to the utilization of iodine, patients with low blood iodine will find vitamin F to be an important synergist.3


  1. E. Chidester, AM, PhD. Nutrition and Glands in Relation to Cancer, chap. V, p. 51, 1944.
  2. Reprint No. 76, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin.
  3. Report No. l, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin.

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