Herbs Are More Than Garnish…Just Ask Lee Carroll

When most people think of herbs, they think of flavorings and seasonings like sage, rosemary or…basil—that tastiest of tasty used in fresh tomato-based dishes. Sounds delicious, right? However, there is another side to herbs, long used for centuries around the world in healing generations of families for infections, tissue repair, wound care, and so much more. Would you like to know more?

Lee Carroll, B.Sc., is giving a seminar on these very topics. As a leading member of the MediHerb team for over 20 years, Lee has gained an impressive repertoire of knowledge in herbal-based healing for your family and your patients. The abundance of information you can gain from attending his seminars will be available to health practitioners along the Front Range of Colorado from August 6–8 at three separate locations.

For more information, visit the SRP Events Calendar for August 6, August 7, and August 8, 2013.

Peggy Sue Meininger

Peggy Sue Meininger is Director of Sales for Selene River Press.

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