Herbal Solutions for Stress and Aging, Featuring Lee Carroll, BSc, BHSc (WHM)

Carroll March seminars

Lee Carroll, one of the foremost authorities on the Standard Process Australian partner company MediHerb, has an impressive repertoire of knowledge in the area of clinical applications of evidence-based herbal medicine. In March, he will share his expertise at seminars in Salt Lake City and at three Colorado locations. These seminars are for health care practitioners, students, and staff active in clinical assessment.

Practitioners, don’t miss out on the chance to attend one of these lectures and enhance your knowledge of the MediHerb line. If you have a health care practitioner, encourage him or her to attend this important event so that you can receive the best support for your holistic approach to health.

Carroll will review current research and herbal solutions for stress-related health challenges and the support of physiological aging. Program highlights include:

  • HPA Axis and the Stress Response: maintaining neuroendocrine health
  • Physiological Aging Decline: mobility, muscle strength and joint health, immune system, endocrine function, and cardiovascular
  • Safety and Drug Interactions for chronic and elderly patients

Join Lee Carroll in Salt Lake City on March 5 and at three separate Colorado locations from March 8–10:

For more information and to register, call 800-321-9807 or visit the SRP Events Calendar.

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