Good to Know:
Supporting the Respiratory System

Enjoy the latest installment of Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Good to Know” series for practitioners.


Mark Anderson has asked the question many times, “What is the most important nutrient?” The answer is rather obvious—the most important nutrient is the one you can survive the least amount of time without!

What is it? Suspense…oxygen. Think about it. You cannot live more than a few minutes deprived of oxygen.

And what is the oxygen exchange system? The respiratory system, the primary function of which is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Let’s take a look at this process:

  • The lungs. When we breathe in oxygen from the air, our lungs are responsible for helping it enter our red blood cells and moving it throughout the body to be used by other cells. The lungs also help eliminate CO2 gas when we breathe out.
  • The bronchioles. The function of the bronchioles is to ensure that incoming air is supplied to each alveolus. Known collectively as alveoli, these are surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries. It is through these thin capillary walls that oxygen enters the blood while carbon dioxide and water leave it.

Keep on reading for some tips on supporting the respiratory system with a combination of whole food supplements from Standard Process and herbal formulations from MediHerb.

Lung Reflex Point

Fingernail Clubbing

Observational exam: Clubbing is defined by the obliteration of the normal diamond-shaped space at the proximal end of the nail, where the distal phalanges are opposed.


Underlying causes of clubbed fingers can include pulmonary or heart disease that causes a depletion of oxygen in the blood, which may also be symptomatic of liver disease, celiac, or inflammatory bowel.

The Pulse Oximeter is helpful in determining the oxygen in your blood. If blood oxygen is lower than 95 percent at sea level or 90 percent at 5280 feet above sea level, you need Cataplex C from Standard Process.

Heart Sound Recording

Ideal Graph

Second sound higher than the first sound in the mitral and/or tricuspid:

Result of decrease in tissue oxygen.

All products listed in order of importance:

  • Cardiotrophin PMG (3 bid empty stomach): Supports muscles.
  • Cataplex E (3 bid): Supports proper nerve and muscle function.
  • Cataplex B (3 bid): Balances nerve conduction, tonifies.
  • Cataplex C (3 bid): Supports collagen and oxygen-carrying capacity.
  • Cataplex E2 (3 bid): Supports oxygen conservation and muscle.

The height and the duration of S1 in the mitral and tricuspid valves:

Contributes to breathing issues; affects the side of the heart that pumps blood to the lungs to be oxygenized.

All products listed in order of importance:

  • Cardiotrophin PMG (3 bid empty stomach): Supports muscles.
  • Cataplex E (3 bid): Supports proper nerve and muscle function.
  • Cataplex B (3 bid): Balances nerve conduction, tonifies
  • Cataplex C (3 bid): Supports collagen and oxygen-carrying capacity.

Oxygen Metabolism

Cataplex C: Increases blood capacity to carry oxygen (J-factor).

Cataplex E2: Oxygen modulator.

Wheat Germ Oil: Octacosanol cell oxygenation factor.

Ferrofood: Iron.

Ginkgo Forte (MediHerb): helps with improving circulation and assists in asthma due to its anti PAF factor (platelet activating factor). Regulates inflammation contributing to asthma.

Korean Ginseng 1:2 (MediHerb): assists in maintaining normal adrenal function. The adrenals influence the lungs.

To bring it all together now—oxygen is the most important nutrient!

  • Maximize oxygen metabolism by making sure the lungs are working to their full potential (MRA reflex).
  • Check oxygen availability with the observational sign of clubbing and the Pulse Oximeter.
  • Use Heart Sound Recorder indicators as basis for reviewing oxygen utilization.
  • When an issue is detected, use Cataplex C (contains the J-factor of the C complex) to increase the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.
  • Use Cataplex E2 to improve the economical use of oxygen in the tissues.
  • Use Wheat Germ Oil (contains octacosanol) to improve the body’s ability to use oxygen.
  • Use Ferrofood to improve iron in the blood (transports oxygen to the cells).

And if desired, add Ginkgo Forte and Korean Ginseng 1:2 from MediHerb to enhance circulation.

Images/solar22 (main image), all other images from SRP. 

Dr. Lowell Keppel

Dr. Keppel received a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1983, following an associate degree in science from Southwestern Michigan Community College. He became certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique in 1999, having studied directly under the program’s founder, Dr. Scott Walker. He has undertaken a variety of further training, including herbology, spinal rehabilitation, and ongoing nutritional education.

Dr. Keppel knows there is always some seminar, book or journal that might deepen his knowledge or contribute one more bit of information that he can directly translate into an effective treatment. He gives sound advice from the perspective of clinical experience and years of practice.

More recently, Dr. Keppel has been teaching seminars for Standard Process West. He has become their in-house chiropractor and is recognized as a mentor for other practitioners throughout the greater Denver area.

For more information, visit his website at, check out his YouTube channel, or contact him directly at

Products by Dr. Lowell Keppel

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